As Chairman of Portreath Parish Council I was delighted to accept an invitation to attend the official opening of the new hall at St Mary’s Church. The event was extremely well attended with hardly a pew to spare.
Jim Dennis the Church Warden who has done a great deal of work on the project started the evening off with an introduction to the scale of the project. He handed on to Brian Phaby who was Project Manager. Brian gave a very informative pictorial presentation showing the progression of the building works from the demolition of the old Church hall to the completion of the new. The high quality of the complete build undertaken by Mark Bryant was apparent at the buffet after the service.
After an introduction by the Ground Breaker Puppet team with Ben, Claire and David the Rev Jim Foley, who was curate in our Parish and had the original vision of the new church hall, gave an entertaining talk on how the project came about and how the local congregation carried it through.
We were all treated to a great musical accompaniment by Mixed Spice, enhanced by the new sound system and visual aids installed by Kevin Stevens. The Church certainly rocked!
Before the buffet organised by Lesley Stevens and helpers there were presentations made to Jim Dennis, Brian Phaby and Kevin Stevens for all the work they did throughout the whole project. Thanks also went to Joyce Holdaway, retired Church Warden and Helen Jones new Church Warden.
Speaking to Rev Mike Kippax at the buffet, he said how delighted he is with the new Church Hall and how it is already being well used with great plans for the future. Current uses are CHIC care and hospitality in the community, Veg boxes, Coffee Morning, PATCH baby and toddler group, Alpha course, Table Tennis, Belly Dancing with ideas for future use including; A computer IT suite, a Parents group and Diva nights for young women.
A great evening was had by all that attended, we all wish St Mary’s Church Hall the very best for the future.