Sunday, October 30, 2005

Report of Portreath Parish Council

Report of Portreath Parish Council

Dispersal Order

Members of the Council were very pleased to learn during a report from P.C. Roberts, Neighbourhood Beat Manager given at a recent meeting of the Council that the implementation of the Dispersal Order
within certain parts of the Village had resulted in a dramatic reduction in the number of incidents of vandalism, etc.

The combination of the Dispersal Order and the installation of a barrier at the Precinct end of the Harbour had also prevented the gathering of youths in vehicles in that area which had, in the past created, problems for those living nearby and had often resulted in the vehicles leaving the area
and travelling around the Village and Car Park at great speed. Members of the Harbour Association
have contacted the Council expressing thanks for Members ‘perseverance in persuading Kerrier District Council to allow the barriers to be erected and for all the measures taken by the Council to put an early end to anti-social behaviour.

Designated Public Place Order

The necessary legal steps necessary in the implementation of a Designated Public Place Order are being processed by Kerrier District Council following requests from the Parish Council and the support of Portreath Improvements Committee


All the Definative Footpaths within the Parish have now been trimmed and cleaned with the exception of a short section of New Walk which cannot be cut during the flowering season due to the presence of the rare Deptford Pink plant on the middle section of this footpath. However, trimming of this final section will be carried out shortly

Highway matters

The County Council Area Surveyor has informed Members of the Council that works will be carried out later in this financial year to reinforce the section of Sunnyvale Road near its eastern end where the retaining structure is failing. In the meantime the condition of this section will be monitored by the County Council and remedial maintenance work will be carried out if necessary. The problem of surface water run-off from the cliff area at the eastern end of Sunnyvale road is also being investigated by the Area Surveyor as a result of representations by the Parish Council.

Bridge Village
The Parish Council are pressing the County Council, through the local County Councillor, Mr. T. Rowe, for the provision of footways; the District Council for the provision of litter bins and the Police Authority has been contacted regarding the enforcement of the speed limit through Bridge Village

VE-VJ Commemoration Event

The Chairman, Councillor C.J. Watts accompanied by Mrs. S. Watts represented the Parish Council at the VE-VJ Commemoration Event held at Truro Cathedral on 11th September
