There has been a lot of press coverage about the dispersal order that was put in place in Portreath this summer. I am sure that most residents will be aware of its existence but may not know that it ceased to be enforceable as from 1st October. I now have to assess the value of the order and report statistics back to the home office.
After I first proposed that a dispersal order in Portreath would assist us to deal with the annual problems of summer anti-social behaviour we received overwhelming support. Indeed it would not have been possible for the police and the district council to bring in this legislation without the public support that we received.
My own feelings are that it was successful and that it was worth the hard work that it took to get it into place. I will now try to ascertain if it is possible for a similar order to become effective during the summer months every year automatically.
By the time you read this October will be upon us, many people like me will soon be thinking about halloween night and ‘trick or treat’. I would like to make it very clear that none of my colleagues or I wish to be killjoys or seek to spoil anyone’s fun – however we will not tolerate one persons fun becoming another persons misery. Consequently as in previous years we will again be taking measures to deal with people who are intent on causing problems for others. If you have any concerns about the forthcoming celebrations please contact me at Redruth Police station to discuss further.
You may be aware that there is a current initiative to try to gain funding for a hand held speed gun/camera for officers in Redruth. There are not sufficient funds in police budgets for each station to have their own camera. The present situation is that stations in West Cornwall have to share the use of the camera. This means that each station gets to use the camera periodically. Each Parish Council has been asked for a donation to assist in the purchase of an extra camera that will then be used by Redruth officers only.
It is unfortunate that Portreath have been unable to support this proposal as it is only contributing councils that can expect the benefits that the extra equipment will bring.
On a more positive note, I am currently working on a project that I believe will provide a huge boost for policing and the Portreath community generally. The final details have yet to be completed, including the extra ongoing financial costs that will be incurred by constabulary. Until these matters are resolved it would be imprudent for me to say more at the moment. However I hope and anticipate that I will be able to give a positive update on this idea in the next issue of ‘The Tram’.