The Incline Church Community Project goes from strength to strength! Our 6 weekly meetings provide a forum for discussion and debate as we work together to strengthen community resources. Recently we had workers from Drednought and On Track join us, and In the New Year, hope to develop further work with the 16 plus age group and with Parents.
Here is an update regarding some of the groups supported through Incline:
Having recently enjoyed Drumming and Swimming, The Carers Group have an array of exciting activities planned including a trip to France to enjoy the Markets and more locally, a Christmas Musical. This friendly and supportive group would like to hear from local carers, contact Janet 842658 or Cath 842797.
Mish Mash continues to meet on the first Saturday and a joint Christmas Party with GroundBreakers (Sunday School) is planned for Christmas. A new Mish Mash is starting in Camborne and some of the local children have been involved in setting this up.
Table Tennis meet on Wednesday evenings in the new church hall, 7.00 until 9.30. and Belly dancing also runs from the hall on Thursday evenings 7.30 until 9.00. Do come along!
CHIC can be found in the church hall on Wednesday mornings, call in for a cuppa, to order or pick up a Veg Box or to browse through an assortment of resources where you might just find the answer to something important!