Sunday, November 20, 2005

Nancekuke Clean-up

Preparatory work to excavate material from the first of five dump sites at Nancekuke, Portreath, is due to start in spring 2006.

Further investigative work needs to be undertaken on the other four sites, with a start to be made on two of them early in the new year.

The Ministry of Defence is cleaning up waste dumped at Nancekuke when the former chemical defence establishment, which produced nerve gas, closed.

Group Captain Jayne Millington, a Royal Air Force spokesperson, said: "The ministry is totally committed to undertake this highly technical multi-million pound programme which will tackle this environmental legacy issue.

"A comprehensive programme of work has been designed to allow us to remediate Dumpsite C and this will start in spring 2006."

Kerrier councillor Pat Aston said: "The council welcomes further details of the remediation programme and supports all the measures that are being taken to ensure that this process is completed safely."

In 2001, the Ministry of Defence opted to carry out remedial work on the five dumps at the former chemical defence establishment site, which had been identified by the Environment Agency as presenting a potential risk to the environment.