Many residents will no doubt be aware of the parlous state of our much-loved harbour.
For the past few months the Portreath Regeneration Committee has been in discussion with Kerrier District Council as to the future of Portreath Harbour. We can now publish the results.
On the 11th of October 2005 the cabinet members of Kerrier District Council resolved that “In principle, assist the enablement of Portreath Regeneration Committee to carry out a feasibility study with a contribution of £5,000 from the Matched Funds Reserve, with a view to ultimately acquiring the freehold of Portreath Harbour’.
Kerrier District Council’s Asset Management Plan identifies the on-going requirement for the Council to review its property portfolio; since October 2004 the Council has been considering the options for the harbour..
The Regeneration Committee is a sub committee of Portreath Parish Council, with members drawn from the Parish Council, Portreath Improvements Committee and the Harbour Users Association. Now the decision by Kerrier has been made, we need your thoughts and opinions on the direction and purpose the harbour should take, consequently we are organising a consultation day in the village Institute in the near future. Please come along to discuss possibilities, view ideas and give us your thoughts.
This resolution gives the community of Portreath a chance to guide and safeguard the future of our harbour for the first time in its history.
This is a huge undertaking and decision for the village and members of the committee are well aware of the enormity of this project. However, with the support of residents, village organisations and Kerrier District Council a new body can be formed to manage and administer the harbour and surrounding land into a self-funding enterprise.
Everybody who sees (and smells) the area will be aware of the substantial funding needed to regenerate it. Kerrier District Council has given us this opportunity to commission a feasibility study to see if this project is within our grasp.
The harbour could once again become the focal point of this community but this time under community control.