Hello there! Resident Brownie Mouse reporting. I thought I would fill you in on what’s going on at the First Portreath Brownie Pack these days. I like to spy on them on a Monday evening in the school hall – they have so much fun!! Of course, it wouldn’t do for me to be seen, (not with all those owls about), but I like to sit in a corner and watch the proceedings and, more often than not, those kind Brownies leave a few crumbs for me to nibble at when they’ve all gone home – they like their food, you know – always bringing in cakes, biscuits and chocolates !
Well, they’ve been very busy this last term, particularly in the art and craft area, decorating some beautiful new bags to keep all their things in, making necklaces and bracelets out of beads, painting Christmas sun catchers and making Christmas cards. Consequently, quite a few of them have received their Craft Badges. The Brownies have been very musical too, enjoying an evening of musical games and competitions, using lots of very loud percussion instruments. I had to hide in my hole when it got too noisy!
The Brownies have had visitors to the pack, too. Recently, Kerrier On-Track visited to speak to them about bullying and how to deal with it and on another visit, Kerrier On-Track spoke about friendship and team-building; the Brownies were very keen to hear what was said and enjoyed participating in all the team-building activities and discussions. The Brownies have also been learning about how other people cope with various disabilities and have been taught some sign language by another visitor to the Pack whose name is Tammy and she was very friendly.
Recently, a number of new Brownies have joined the pack and it’s really good to see these new faces. I’ve counted a total of 21 Brownies at the meetings and they have re-grouped into four new sections (they call them ‘sixes’), namely: Squirrels, Rabbits, Badgers and Hedgehogs. (What, no Mice?!)
I promise that I will do my best:
To love my God,
To serve the Queen and my country,
To help other people
To keep the Brownie Guide Law
These are serious words, aren’t they? But I’ve heard several new Brownies quoting them at their Promise Ceremonies. These are when the girls get to be proper Brownies; their friends and family come to watch them say their Brownie Promise and it’s a really special occasion, (especially for me as there is always lots of food about !).
The Brownies have also been very fortunate in receiving a generous donation from the Harbour Fun Day Committee and because the Tax Man apparently gave them some money (I didn’t quite understand this part, that the tax man GAVE them money …) however, it seems this means they can all go to the Red Riding Hood pantomime in February – lucky girls !
The Brownies went out and about in November, joining in the Remembrance Day Parade through Portreath, followed by the service at St. Mary’s Church. I must say, they all looked very smart and it was good to see so many young people remembering the sacrifices made during the wars.
The Brownies were at St. Mary’s again recently, participating in the Christingle service. This was a wonderful occasion, with lots of lively singing, dancing and drama. The Brownies stood up at one point and gave thanks to God for all the things they are grateful for. Then, all the children lit their Christingles and the church looked radiant in the candlelight.
Well, I must be off now; I’m getting ready for the Brownie Christmas party – a riotous occasion, if last year is anything to go by, but I’m looking forward to the fun and games and (you’ve guessed it) the FOOD.
Millennium BINGO Club
Happy New Year to you all,
Sylvia & Rod brown wish to thank all local businesses and individuals who have supported the club in the past twelve months and look forward to seeing more people in the coming year.
Dates for your diary 2005
We will be holding BINGO sessions in the Portreath Millennium Hall on the following Friday nights.
January 7th & 21st May 13th & 27th September 2nd & 16th & 30th
February 4th & 18th June 10th & 24th October 7th & 21st
March 4th & 18th July 8th & 22nd November 4th & 18th
April 1st & 15th & 29th August 5th & 19th * December 2nd & 16th**
* Summer Special
**Christmas Special
Beach clean
On Sunday 12th December, a group of independent volunteers from the village cleaned the main beach, the little beach and part of the stream near the Basset Arms. We had decided that we were fed up with waiting for official bodies to get on with the cleaning so we thought we would do it ourselves. We put some posters around the village and Sara rang Kerrier who were very pleased to donate black bin bags, gloves and grippers. On Sunday morning, we walked down to the meeting point by the café near the beach expecting to be the only people there. But in the end about 16 people turned up- some very young ones- and rapidly set to work.
After about 2 hours, it was very satisfying to leave a now spotless beach and loads of full bin bags and assorted rubbish by the litterbin for the Council to collect as agreed.
We were so pleased with what we had achieved that we all decided we should do this on a regular basis. So watch out for posters and join us next time: it does not take long when we all get together. It felt great to do something positive for the village.
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday.
Meet by the promenade cafe and bring gloves
Sara and Roselyne
Portreath Beach Landslide
In mid October 2004 a large chunk of Western Hill slid down to the sea taking with it a large nesting area used by Fulmars and completely burying one of the Bassets Bath pools.
The Fulmar colony have used that part of the cliff for breeding because of its inaccessibility to predators, now with the slope that has been formed and the lack of ledges, they will have to move on. The Fulmar is Amber list criteria, meaning, a historical population decline during 1800-1995, but recovering; population size has more than doubled over last 25 years.
The Bassets Bath known as The Mermaid Pool will, I doubt, be seen again in any of our life times. The cave in which it was located is directly under the slip and probably contributed toward the weakness in the cliff. In recent weeks there have been further smaller falls causing concern from the National Trust. They have now erected warning signs asking people to keep clear. The slip spoil on the beach is also unstable and not suitable for climbing.
The National Trust and Kerrier District Council are closely monitoring
the landslide. Should anyone have any concerns or observations please
call the area Warden Bill Martin on 01872 552412
Chris Watts
Portreath Badminton club has been meeting every Tuesday night since October in the Millennium Hall and it has been great fun. We have about 16 members now, of varying abilities from regular players to complete beginners. The annual membership fee is a mere £15, which gives you insurance through the Badminton Association and each session is £2 per person. It is possible to attend as a guest before you have to join, so come and try it out.
At the moment, we are only playing on Tuesdays, but it is possible to book the Hall at other times according to availability. We have received a generous grant from the P.I.C. this has enabled us to buy a net and some shuttles so far. Two weeks ago some of us repainted the white lines to the correct specifications and Tony, a Badminton coach usually comes along to give helpful tips.
It is not just a chance to get fit, it is also a social occasion and a chance to meet new friends. As there is only one court, between badminton games, we play backgammon, charades, dominoes, juggle or just chat together.
Portreath Badminton Club
At Portreath Millennium Hall
Tuesday 7-10
New Members welcome
All abilities – coaching available- all ages
Contact: Sara, tel.843213
Closure of toilets on Sundays through Winter
The Parish Council was very concerned to learn that Kerrier District Council had taken the decision to cease opening the public toilets near the Beach on Sundays throughout the winter. As it was felt that this decision would cause great difficulties, not only for local residents but to the many people who visit the Village over the weekends during the winter period, the Parish Council felt every effort should be made to keep the toilets open on Sundays and, having ascertained that there would be appropriate insurance cover, Members resolved to make monies available to ensure that the toilets were unlocked on Sundays throughout the Winter period.
Traffic Calming
Members have been assured that work to implement the various traffic calming measures, already discussed and advertised locally, would be commenced within the next few months. It is hoped that these measures will go some way to reduce the speed of traffic along Penberthy Road particularly in the vicinity of the School. The County Council will be giving consideration to additional calming measures along Beach Road in the near future.
Consideration was given to the setting of the precept for the coming financial year and Members were anxious that there should be no great increase in the Community Tax for local residents. After a full discussion it was resolved that, in view of increasing administration charges relating to Insurance cover, etc., and probable increases in the charges made by Contractors carrying out the litter picking and footpath trimming within the Parish, there should be an absolute minimum increase in the precept which was set at £6,700, an increase of approximately 10% over last year's figure. It was pointed out that this would, probably, still be the lowest precept of all local parishes within the Kerrier Area.
Sunnyvale Road
Members are of the opinion that some consideration should be given to the improvement of Sunnyvale Road in view of the every-increasing usage of this busy highway. The number of vehicular accesses off Sunnyvale Road is increasing rapidly and, with the promotion of the Mineral Tramway cycle path, the situation along this narrow highway is becoming more and more dangerous, particularly as some of the cyclists are very young children. An approach has been made to the County Council via the local County Councillor Mr. T. Rowe and it is hoped that some method can be adopted to ensure the safe passage of all users of this much used route, possibly by the segregation of the cyclists from the vehicular traffic. The County Highway Engineer has also been made aware of the fact that a section of the highway in the vicinity of Sunny Corner needs urgent reinforcement.
Over 50’s Group
We hired an Age Concern Mini-Bus for the group Christmas trip to Presingoll Barns at St Agnes, on Thursday 2nd December. These vehicles include aids to mobility & specially selected drivers, something much appreciated.
The Group meets in the back room of the Millennium Hall on Wednesday afternoons between 2 & 4 pm. Everyone welcome, light refreshments provided.
Di Helyer
More Badminton news:
Starting in the New Year
Is anyone interested in being coached by Tony Poole, County Badminton Development Officer? The sessions would take place in the Millennium Hall, possibly on a Thursday evening, 10 sessions costing £20 per person.
Contact Tony on 01872 530277
Booking is essential- Maximum 8 places
Good news for the village
The Portreath Improvements Committee has agreed to pay for a litter picker every month over the winter, and twice monthly during the summer. This means that between the Parish Council and the PIC, the village will have a litter pick every two weeks over the winter and every week over the summer.
Unfortunately Kerrier District Council have decided not to replace litter bins that have been vandalised, one in front of Tabbs restaurant and one at the top of Tregea Hill.
Consequently, if you see or are concerned about an area within the Parish that you think needs attention, please call Kerrier District Council on 01209 614332 / 333. Kerrier are usually very prompt in their response, especially when informed of rubbish clogging the stream along Tregea Terrace.
Sara Clasper
Kerrier District Council's decision to close the beachside public toilets at Portreath on Sundays has been overturned following protests from villagers.
Ken Bowden, Chairman of Portreath Parish Council, said that he and his Clerk, Jean Oates, had persuaded the Authority not to continue to close the toilets during the winter after talks with council officers. He said: "I took the matter directly to the chief officers of Kerrier and at the end of the evening they agreed that Portreath was a slightly different case. Two of the beaches belong to Kerrier – as does the little harbour beach and some of the main beach - so they have an obligation to keep the toilets open."
Recently, Graeme Hicks, Kerrier Council's portfolio holder for the environment, had said that vandal-hit conveniences would be shut on those days during wintertime in a move to make budget savings and help prevent a hike in council tax bills next year. He said that after a public consultation the Authority had decided to focus on regeneration, quality homes and open spaces and that keeping some public lavatories closed on Sundays would create "substantial savings".
Mr Bowden stepped into the debate after the authority closed the public toilets at Portreath on two Sundays in a row saying. "When you've got 50 to 100 cars in the car park and 100 people on the beach at Portreath on Sundays, the pubs and restaurants in the village would not want to tolerate that many using their toilets for too long. It's going to perhaps cost the Parish Council £20 to keep the toilets in the village open on a Sunday."
The remains of a suspected hammer-head shark found washed up on Portreath beach has been making waves in the marine world this week. Kevin Melton stumbled upon the head of the shark in the harbour in what experts described as only the second discovery of a hammer-head in Britain since records began.
As marine researchers hailed the find as one of the most exciting in recent times, the head has been undergoing a detailed examination at the Plymouth-based Marine Biology Association. Mr Melton said that he had received a series of phone calls from shark experts, one of whom believed the hammer-head was only the second confirmed sighting of the species in Britain for almost 120 years.
He said: "I was just walking back from the cliffs along the harbour when I saw it. My wife, Sharon, thought at first that it was a big crab. I climbed down the ladder, recognised it as the head of a hammer-head shark and brought it back home." After alerting marine staff at the Blue Reef Aquarium at Newquay, Mr Melton was advised to store the head in his freezer to help preserve it.
Ruth Williams, a marine conservation officer for Cornwall Wildlife Trust, said the rare find had triggered great interest. "It is very exciting," she said. "As far as I know, there has only been one previous recording of a hammer-head shark around the UK. Usually, they are seen as tropical or sub-tropical sharks. It's either just wandered off into our waters and died of natural causes or in fishing nets. Or it could have been swept here. Either way, it's died somewhere close to the South West." Mrs Williams said that Dr David Sims, a shark expert, was due to carry out tests on the head and hoped to establish its species, age and any injuries the shark suffered.
Becs Smith, a senior aquavist at Blue Reef, said that hammer-heads spent most of their time combing the sea floor for fish, including stingrays, and posed 'very little' threat to people. "Sharks are usually more scared of us than we are of them," she added. "We are getting lots of different species around our coast including amber jacks - they are related to tuna - which were caught in the UK recently. It could be a sign of warmer water temperatures."
Portreath fell silent for a short period on Sunday afternoon, the 7th November, as the village paid tribute to those who have died in two world wars and other conflicts. With standards fluttering in the autumn breeze, the procession marched from the sea front car park to St Mary's Church to the sounds of Illogan Sparnon Band.
At the war memorial, wreaths were laid by groups and dignitaries, including the parish council, Portreath Improvements Committee, Brownies, Sea Cadets and RAF Portreath.
Last Post and Reveille were played by Jessica Hutchens and Naomi Goldsworthy, two young members of the band.
After a service in the church led by the Rev Mike Kippax, refreshments were served in the institute.
A new orienteering course has been completed at Tehidy Country Park, Camborne, offering visitors a challenging way to explore its 250 acres. It took Cornwall County Council's Countryside Service nearly two months to complete and consists of 35 posts made-up of both short and long courses.
Park Ranger, Tony Sciascia, said: "Anyone can use the course and it's a great way to get fit. Visitors can buy a map for £1 and either do the course by themselves or as part of a group. In the past, we have had many people use the old course including students from schools and colleges, the Scouts and cadets and even trainees from the fire brigade."
The map can be bought at the Tehidy visitor centre or by calling 01872 323 963. Bookings can also be made on this number.
Tehidy Country Park was once part of the estate owned by the wealthy mining family, the Bassets. It was bought by the county council in 1983 and turned into a recreational country park. Visitors can stroll around the lake, explore leafy glades or wilder areas of woodland or be immersed in the rich flora and fauna.
The park hosts a variety of facilities, including an events field, where a range of activities are held, BBQ hire facilities in a designated woodland, a summer and winter events programme, outdoor education facilities, and a schools' and youth campsite.
Your village needs You
Portreath Improvements Committee AGM 24th January 2005
7.00 p.m. in the Portreath Institute
Yes, it’s January and that means the Portreath Improvements Committee elections are upon us once again. This year, two of our long serving officers are standing down from their respective positions. Connie Trewella has been the PIC Treasurer for many years and has done an outstanding job and Nigel Mathews has stood down as Chairman, after eleven years of dedicated service. Both Connie and Nigel will, we hope, remain members of the PIC.
This past year the PIC has for the first time for many years had a full committee and as a democratically elected body every member stands down and puts up for election every year. We need members that are prepared to attend the majority of meetings throughout 2005. These are held on the second Monday of each month. The main order of business at the meetings is to make decisions on the best use of the income created by the sea front car park, which is owned by the PIC. This is a substantial sum and the Constitution states that the income is to be spent for the good of Portreath village and it’s residents. Consequently the agenda at the monthly meetings can be extremely varied, ranging from litter picking and property maintenance to long term financial investment and constitutional matters.
Another responsibility is the day to day running and management of the sea front car park. This is carried out by the Portreath Association Ltd. (PAL), a small limited company that was formed because by law, a charity (the PIC) cannot trade to make a profit. Five people run the PAL, three of whom are elected at the March meetings (they are elected from within the membership of the Portreath Improvements Committee) the other two members coming from the board of directors of the PAL.
To stand for election write a letter to:
Secretary to the PIC
5 Belerion Road
TR16 4PA
giving your name and address, and the name and address of two village residents aged 18 or over, who will support your application.
If you can’t spare the time to put yourself up for election, please still come along to the Portreath Institute on the 24th of January at 7:00pm and vote for the residents you would like to see sit on the committee. There are 24 seats available and the rules of the PIC allow all village residents aged 18 or over to vote for up to 24 fellow residents. Voting slips will be passed around on the night.
Currently the January meeting is only time residents can attend the PIC meeting, so this is your chance to ask questions and put suggestions forward other than in writing, which you can do at other times in the year.
For those of you who would like more information about the Portreath Improvements Committee, there is a brief history printed on page ?
As you can see, the Portreath Improvements Committee is a major influence within the village and needs your support. Please come along on the 24th of January at 7.00 and vote for those you want to represent you for the coming year.
Chris Watts
The Incline Church Community Project
In the coming months, as we work on our publicity, you will be hearing more about this exciting initiative! We have been running for almost nine months and in that time a number of projects have begun in the village of Portreath. On Wednesday CHIC (Care and Hospitality in the Community) meet in the church between 10-12.00. People can 'pop in' for a cuppa, a chat, to be quiet or to seek advice and sign posting to resources and services on a number of issues. The Veg Box scheme also runs from CHIC and between 28-32 people per week collect their value veg box from the church at around 11.15am. In the process they support local growers and farmers. the boxes are great value at £4.00. We have organised a trial cooking group from CHIC, this went well and may start as a regular Wednesday lunch time group in the future. Incline also supports COG, the Community Outings Group, the 'Over 50's Group' who meet on Wednesday afternoon in the Millennium Hall and Mish Mash an exciting once a month club for children aged 4-11 years. On December the 4th, Mish Mash hosted a community feast at the school, the children shopped for and prepared the food and enjoyed a morning of activities and action with members of the community.
In January there will a belly dancing class starting at the primary school, this is a project Incline are currently developing with Family Learning and is open to anyone in a family group (at least two generations need to attend for free admission). The Incline Church Community Project has secured funding to develop further and very soon, will be supporting a new group for people who are Carers in the village.
We now have our own logo, at the top of this article and please do look out for posters and leaflets that should be appearing early in the Spring. Our next meeting is on the 16th February 05 in the Church Hall at 7.30p.m. If you would like to know more, do come along or phone Terry on 843181 or Treve on 610260. We want to work with existing groups, develop new ideas and promote the wellbeing of our community through social action and developing individual and group ideas. Do come and talk with us if you have an idea you would like to develop.
Terry Reynard
A surprise presentation was made to the retiring chairman of governors of Portreath School, when parents and children gathered for the Christmas lights switch-on. Jean Oates was expecting just to throw the switch and join in the singing of carols, but found herself thrust into the limelight once more as the school presented her with a gift in gratitude of her decades of service.
The picture, a pastel drawing of Gull Rock, was specially created in her honour by local artist Peter Skinner.
"It was a big surprise," she said. "I only went down there to turn the lights on. It was a lovely occasion, particularly as it took place in 'Sarah's Garden'."
Even county council records do not show exactly how long Mrs Oates has been a governor at the school, but her association there extends beyond 30 years.
She began by running the playgroup, and when her own children joined the school, her involvement increased.
She joined the governors, and within a short time became chairman.
She relinquished her role last term, believing the 'time was right', but is adamant she will keep in touch.
She said: "I will miss the children terribly. I've had wonderful support from John (Whetter) throughout his time at the school and the rest of the staff and governors."
Headteacher John Whetter paid tribute to Mrs Oates contribution: "Jean has been a great support to me personally as Headteacher, because she was chairman of governors throughout my 13 years at the school so far.
"She has always shown a great interest in everything the children have done. She's spent a lot of time with them in school and out of school on trips.
"We hope she will continue to come in, albeit in an unofficial capacity."
Reviving the Chamber of Commerce?
There is a move in Portreath to breathe some life back into the local Chamber of Commerce. The Tram has been approached by two local business owners suggesting that the time has come to fire up some enthusiasm for this once busy and effective group. Small businesses have a strong record of contributing to their local communities including sponsoring local events and involvement in neighborhood watch schemes. Crime stunts business growth and this has negative consequences for the community as a whole. A well-organised Chamber also has good lines of communication into local authorities, parish, district and county councils.
Anyone interested in helping to reorganise, build an interactive business community and become a member of the Portreath Chamber of Commerce please call Mark Savage on 01209 843931.
Portreath Cooking Session with EatWell
The EatWell project aims to provide hands on support and training to community, voluntary and statutory organisations in Kerrier, wishing to increase their emphasis on healthy eating. The project is part of the Kerrier Healthy Living Centre and is based in Health Promotion Services, in Pool.
The cooking session in Portreath linked with the Healthy Boxes project, which supports local farmers and growers by providing weekly boxes of local vegetables to families in Kerrier and Penwith, to give people inspiration around new healthy cooking ideas. Terry Reynard was the key link to the Incline Project and so it was decided that to encourage more people to engage with the Healthy Boxes and to provide information around healthy cooking and healthy eating information in general, a cooking session would be run with hope of continuing the sessions into the new year. The cooking session on 8th December was attended by 7 people who all seemed to enjoy the lunchtime cooking and especially the eating! We used the ‘Healthy Box’ to inspire us and cooked a delicious feast of wholesome vegetable soup, soda bread and stuffed peppers.
The EatWell Project took along a wide range of healthy eating leaflets and numerous recipes for the group to take away and we talked about what can be done to improve your diet, including reducing fat and salt intakes.
No further dates have been confirmed but it is hoped a couple more sessions will be run early next year.
Finally, with the imminent finish of the Eatwell Project in March, the Eatsome Project, the countywide healthy eating project, could help to further fund healthy eating projects in Portreath as the project offers small amounts of funding in the guise of Bitesize Grants! These grants are open to community groups wishing to increase their emphasis on healthy eating and may be a great way in which the cooking sessions can continue, or any other projects that can be thought of….!
Portreath Bonfire and Firework Display
An Extra fourteen village shops and businesses and organisations joined in the sponsorship of various aspects of the event this year. Their community spirit was appreciated and encouraging for the future.
Disappointingly the collection taken during the display failed to cover the cost of the fireworks and I was very disturbed to hear of one collector being verbally abused, several times. Many other people made appreciative comments afterwards, particularly regarding the quality of the display.
However at present, the 2005 Display is in jeopardy.
On a personal level my thanks to the sponsors, the team of collection stewards, the Bar-B-Q team, St Johns Ambulance, First Bus Co, The Gold Centre and the Community Police team who all worked hard to make this a happy and safe event.
Di Helyer