When I look back on 2004 in relation to the policing of Portreath I have to conclude that it was a relatively successful year. With one or two notable exceptions we did not experience the same levels of anti-social behaviour and damage in the village that we endured in 2003. This is backed up by the figures, which show there were 20 crimes less in 2004 than the year before.
I am pleased to say that there were relatively few incidents for us to attend to in Portreath over the Christmas period just 6 crimes were reported for the whole of December.
During 2004 I met with the Parish council and other groups on several occasions to discuss ways of making the best use of available resources to improve the quality of life for Portreath residents. A few of the proposals that we discussed were: - Improving and extending the CCTV system that currently covers the car park so that it covered the majority of the village. Introducing a paid policing scheme (as successfully operated in other parts of the county) to provide a guaranteed police presence in the village every Friday and Saturday night throughout the summer (in addition to the normal service). Making an application to restrict anti-social drinking in certain areas.
Unfortunately it was not possible to implement any of these initiatives last year. However I am fully aware that these things need careful consideration and that they cannot happen overnight. I am sure that some of these proposals will be taken forward this year and I look forward to working with the appropriate organisations to assist in the implementation process where ever possible.
Many readers will be aware of the dispersal order that has recently been imposed at Illogan. This order gives the police the power to disperse groups of people who are believed to be likely to engage in behaviour that may cause alarm, harassment, distress or intimidation to others. We are closely monitoring the effects of our actions in Illogan to ensure that Portreath and other surrounding areas are not detrimentally affected
May I wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe 2005.
PC Tim Roberts