Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Dispersal Order
Police officers posted notices throughout Portreath informing of the imposition of a Dispersal Order that takes effect on the 17th of July. This action comes about following a well attended Open Session prior to the recent Council Meeting , when members of the Public reported on various acts of anti-social behaviour within the Village, Councillors unanimously resolved to approve the setting in motion of action to introduce a Dispersal Order in respect of parts of Portreath Village. This Order would enable the Police Officer to disperse groups where there is felt that the presence of groups has resulted or is likely to result in a member of the Public being harassed, intimidated, alarmed or distressed. Individuals could be directed to leave the locality and may be excluded from the area for up to 24 hours. The Police Officer would also have the discretionary power, within the designated area, to return young people under 16 years of age, who are out on the streets and not under the control of an adult, to their home. A refusal to follow an Officer's direction to disperse is a summary offence and the penalty for conviction for such an offence is a fine or a maximum, for adults, of three months' imprisonment