As this is the first time the association have taken a space in the Parish Tram, it would seem a good time to tell you more about us.
The Portreath Harbour Association constitution and rules were adopted in January 1993.
The objective being to act in the interest of members as decreed by the membership.
To conserve Portreath as a working harbour and to promote good practice in harbour management in the interest of fishermen, boat enthusiasts, members of the association, and the public.
Any person who has interest in furthering the objectives of the association shall be eligible to apply in writing for membership. Meetings are open to all members, and are held on the first Friday of the month, at the Portreath Institute.
Officers- Chairman Doug Coates
Vice Chair Junior Walters
Treasurer Brian Mills
Secretary John Buckland
Committee Peter Goode, Keith Porter, Lawrence Hosken, & Winston May
We have over 70 members now, not all need moorings in the harbour, in fact 37 moorings have been allocated to date. The boats will be back in the water on the 9th and 10th April “Where they look best”. However you may have noticed Good Fortune has been in for some weeks earning a living.
We have plans to bring you articles of interest in the future, so look out for HARBOUR NEWS next time.
STOP PRESS...... Good News. Kerrier D Council have organised sand removal from the harbour. This is planned to be carried out by week ending 8th April. The purpose to reduce seaweed build up and the associated smell in this part of the village, and help navigation within the harbour. The harbour association thanks Kerrier D Council , Portreath Improvements Committee for helping us to fund this much needed job.