Saturday, July 17, 2004

Dear Editor As a member of the PIC and Portreath Regeneration Group I am aware that both groups are endeavouring to find a favourable solution to th

Dear Editor

As a member of the PIC and Portreath Regeneration Group I am aware that
both groups are endeavouring to find a favourable solution to the
traffic problems in Penberthy Road.

Every meeting I have attended, to include the Parish Council meetings
has spent a large amount of time discussing how to reduce traffic
problems, in particular focusing of encouraging drivers to slow down.

There are no easy answers however, if numbers of cars using Penberthy Road could be reduced this would help.

We now have a great new bus service opening in the village. As the
service is much more regular and uses newer and cleaner buses, this in
turn hopefully will encourage more residents in the village to use this
service thereby helping to reduce the traffic volumes in the village.

Other initiatives such as encouraging parents to walk their children to
Primary School rather than driving would also help with reducing the
traffic problems.

We all use our cars but if we each consider whether we need to use the
car for our journeys before getting behind the wheel we can then all
make a positive contribution to reducing traffic problems in the

Sara Clasper

'The Incline Project, On Track and with the support of Portreath
Primary School are starting a new club for children on the first
Saturday of the month. Please come along to our Open Morning on the
26th June 04 between 10.00 and 12.30 pm. in the school hall. There will
be lots of activities and food to try (including Circus
Skills!). Children will need to sign up for the new
club on the 26th June..only 18 places for the 8-11 year age group and
18 places for the 4-7 year age group. This is an exciting opportunity
for local children, The group will help raise children's
confidence and their self esteem, help them to work as a team, improve
their health and wellbeing and support children in being involved in
local issues. There will also be loads of laughter and fun, and the
chance to learn new skills such as drumming, felt making, papermaking,
sports activities and lots more! The group will be run by trained
Children's Workers and we offer a warm welcome to local children.

See you on the 26th June

Terry (Incline) Sandy (On Track) and Emma and Sam (Community Workers).


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Sounds Good

(Millennium Hall News)

I wonder how many readers remember that popular ‘ditty’ of many years
ago. Little Sir Echo ‘How do you do’ and no doubt it did pretty well
for its composers bank balance. However, there can be an expensive
downside if you want to rid your pride and your restoration project of
such an unwelcome phenomenon.

I am reliably informed that the old chapel in its heyday never suffered
from any such trouble and therefore it came as an unpleasant surprise
for all concerned. When we realised that yet more money was needed to
get rid of an echo we hadn’t budgeted for but must be removed.

If our village community was to get full benefit from the very
expensive refit as it posed as a serious threat to any event relying on
the spoken word.

Therefore as soon as the official opening by Prince Edward and Princess
Sophie in October 2002 was behind us, we undertook a brief study of the
service, practice and cost of acoustics and then felt able to accept a
professional plan using walled drapes and sound absorbent panels.

That work was basically completed last month and some cosmetic
fine-tuning since has brought the great improvements we hoped for –
sounds good already. These drapes are designed to prevent sound
reflection from the wall surfaces where they hang. They are not
curtains for the windows and should not be used as such.

Have you any ideas?

However, these improvements are only a means to an end – an increase in
revenue from these new facilities. If you, the reader, have any
practical ideas for drama events, music concerts or instructional
classes of any description please let us know via the editor. Modest
stage facilities can be available if necessary.

Ashton White

On behalf of the Management Committee