Harbour Fun Day
1st August
12 Noon to 10pm
Large Raffle Tea Tent BBQ Wellie Throwing
Stalls Raft Race Bouncy Castle Line Dancing
Tae Kwando Display African Drums Puppets Unicycle
Jugglers Parachute Games
Competition “Best Dressed Pirate”
Under 5’s
5 – 7 years
8 – 10 years
11 years and over
Sand Castle competition
Pavement Artist competition
Service at St Mary’s at 6pm
Children’s Disco in Marquee at 6pm
Three live bands will be playing from 7pm – 10pm
Please come and enjoy yourselves and support this family event
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Dear Editor As a member of the PIC and Portreath Regeneration Group I am aware that both groups are endeavouring to find a favourable solution to th
Dear Editor
As a member of the PIC and Portreath Regeneration Group I am aware that
both groups are endeavouring to find a favourable solution to the
traffic problems in Penberthy Road.
Every meeting I have attended, to include the Parish Council meetings
has spent a large amount of time discussing how to reduce traffic
problems, in particular focusing of encouraging drivers to slow down.
There are no easy answers however, if numbers of cars using Penberthy Road could be reduced this would help.
We now have a great new bus service opening in the village. As the
service is much more regular and uses newer and cleaner buses, this in
turn hopefully will encourage more residents in the village to use this
service thereby helping to reduce the traffic volumes in the village.
Other initiatives such as encouraging parents to walk their children to
Primary School rather than driving would also help with reducing the
traffic problems.
We all use our cars but if we each consider whether we need to use the
car for our journeys before getting behind the wheel we can then all
make a positive contribution to reducing traffic problems in the
Sara Clasper
'The Incline Project, On Track and with the support of Portreath
Primary School are starting a new club for children on the first
Saturday of the month. Please come along to our Open Morning on the
26th June 04 between 10.00 and 12.30 pm. in the school hall. There will
be lots of activities and food to try (including Circus
Skills!). Children will need to sign up for the new
club on the 26th June..only 18 places for the 8-11 year age group and
18 places for the 4-7 year age group. This is an exciting opportunity
for local children, The group will help raise children's
confidence and their self esteem, help them to work as a team, improve
their health and wellbeing and support children in being involved in
local issues. There will also be loads of laughter and fun, and the
chance to learn new skills such as drumming, felt making, papermaking,
sports activities and lots more! The group will be run by trained
Children's Workers and we offer a warm welcome to local children.
See you on the 26th June
Terry (Incline) Sandy (On Track) and Emma and Sam (Community Workers).
Foreign Currency
Going on holiday? Why not pick up your currency and travelers
cheques commission free (excluding sterling travelers cheques) from the
Post Office. In some cases your order can be collected the next
day, but we recommend you allow three working days. Payment to be
made when ordering.
Travel Insurance
The Post Office now offer a competitive travel insurance. Children are free!
Pick up a leaflet today for our rates.
JULY 29 – 31ST
11.00 am until 6.00 pm
Sounds Good
(Millennium Hall News)
I wonder how many readers remember that popular ‘ditty’ of many years
ago. Little Sir Echo ‘How do you do’ and no doubt it did pretty well
for its composers bank balance. However, there can be an expensive
downside if you want to rid your pride and your restoration project of
such an unwelcome phenomenon.
I am reliably informed that the old chapel in its heyday never suffered
from any such trouble and therefore it came as an unpleasant surprise
for all concerned. When we realised that yet more money was needed to
get rid of an echo we hadn’t budgeted for but must be removed.
If our village community was to get full benefit from the very
expensive refit as it posed as a serious threat to any event relying on
the spoken word.
Therefore as soon as the official opening by Prince Edward and Princess
Sophie in October 2002 was behind us, we undertook a brief study of the
service, practice and cost of acoustics and then felt able to accept a
professional plan using walled drapes and sound absorbent panels.
That work was basically completed last month and some cosmetic
fine-tuning since has brought the great improvements we hoped for –
sounds good already. These drapes are designed to prevent sound
reflection from the wall surfaces where they hang. They are not
curtains for the windows and should not be used as such.
Have you any ideas?
However, these improvements are only a means to an end – an increase in
revenue from these new facilities. If you, the reader, have any
practical ideas for drama events, music concerts or instructional
classes of any description please let us know via the editor. Modest
stage facilities can be available if necessary.
Ashton White
On behalf of the Management Committee
As part of an “Open Studio Southwest”, 2 artists in the village will be opening their studios to the public.
Catherine Dennis is a painter who is interested in Landscape and
Portraits. She lives in Greenfield Terrace and has a studio at the end
of her garden.
Sarah Clasper lives on Primrose Terrace, she paints landscapes locally
and her studio is in a walled garden. Work is for sale and visitors
will be made very welcome..
Open Days
Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd August
Saturday & Sunday 28th & 29th August
For further information Tel: 01209 843213
Badminton Club
At the Millennium Hall Portreath
Now seeking members, Senior and Junior.
Possible days Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
Anyone interested please call Sara on 843360
Mineral Tramways Heritage Project - Appeal for information for the proposed Portreath Branch Line Trail.
Cornwall County Council in partnership with Kerrier District Council
are proposing through this final phase of the Mineral Tramways Project
(Nov 2003-Mar 2005) to create a network of new multi use trails linking
important heritage mine sites and mining villages within the project
area of Camborne- Redruth, Portreath, Gwennap-St.Day. The feasibility
stage of this multi-funded project includes assessments of mine sites
and features, trails routes and the identification and negotiation with
Readers are asked for their assistance in identifying ownership details
along the length of the Portreath Incline. If you have information
which you believe may be of help please contact Simon Murray at the
County Council based team on tel. 01872 323607', and thank you!'
Simon Murray
Incline Project
On the 26th June The Incline Church Community Project launched a new
club for children aged 4 to 11 years. Despite the rain, almost one
hundred adults and children came along to the village school and
enjoyed a fantastic morning of fun to launch the new club. Local
children entered a competition to choose a name for the club and
to design a logo. Sheena's name 'Mish Mash Club' and Dannielle's logo
(will be published shortly) were chosen by the judges. Rosie Clifton
from the Children's Fund presented art and craft prizes to the girls.
Candy Atherton came along to the launch and said a few words of praise
and encouragement. The children enjoyed a variety of craft
activities, healthy snacks and a chance to make 'snail
sandwiches'. Circus Skills were there (there are some very
skilled tight rope walkers and stilt walkers in the village). The
morning provided opportunities to dress up as a carrot, turnip or pea
in fabulous costumes loaned to the group by The Healthy Living
Initiative (adults and children all had a go!), chance to play
with Missy the Ferret, have faces painted, join in with a Felt Making
activity and enjoy lots of cups of tea, coffee and cake (much
appreciated by the adults present). The new club has had the very
best of starts, well supported by the local community so thank you to
all who came along, members of the Parish Council and the Portreath
Improvements Committee, the local church, Sandy and staff from Kerrier
Ontrack (who have helped from the beginning and continue to support
us), the Network Fund for making it all possible, Portreath School and
most of all, the children, parents and grandparents.
We now look forward to meeting monthly, 8-11 year olds first but with
some joint sessions with the 4-7 year olds to be held before Christmas.
The club is now full for the older group but there is a reserve list so
do contact me, Terry on 843181 if you want to put your name down.
African Drumming is planned for July and Circus Skills will be with us
again in August!
Terry Reynard .
The Eatsome Project, from Cornwall's Healthy Living Initiative,
is working with the Incline Project to promote healthy eating and the
"Healthy Boxes" vegetable box scheme.
The Eatsome project is a two year funded project, which is part of the
national 5 A DAY campaign to promote fruit and vegetable consumption.
Our aims are to increase the consumption of healthy foods, especially
fruit and vegetables, through addressing barriers such as
affordability, access and awareness of healthy foods, and to promote
local produce.
The project offers cooking sessions, training for cookery club leaders,
and grants for growing, cooking and other healthy eating projects for
community groups.
Healthy Boxes is a scheme led by Penwith District Council, which will
help community groups to access fresh, quality local produce at
affordable prices.
Rob Poole, Penwith District Council's Rural Economy Officer, says that
"the project will actively support and work in partnership with
community shops and will support local growers and producers".
The Incline Project will be working with the Eatsome Project to set up
some healthy eating projects, including the healthy boxes scheme.
The Incline Project, through CHIC, is setting up a drop off for the
vegetable boxes on Wednesday mornings in the Church. This scheme will
start as soon as we have the minimum number of 10 boxes required.
If you are interested in receiving a box, at a cost of no more than £5
for an assortment of eight different vegetables plus recipe card,
please contact Incline Project: Terry 843181 or Yvonne on 842005
To:- The Editor, Portreath Parish Tram.
From:- Captain P. J. Fleming,
‘Anneth Lowen,
Tregea Hill,
Dear Sir,
Green Waste Project
With regard to the setting–up of the green waste project along the
coastal road to Hayle, I am very concerned to note that some of the
heavy goods vehicles transporting waste to and from the site are coming
through Portreath village.
As I understand it, this is against the permission given to them by
Cornwall County Council, which stipulated that they must use Cot Road,
Halgoss and Tolvaddon as a route to access the site. In fact, a new
roundabout has recently been constructed at Tolvaddon in order to
facilitate this traffic.
Since the project started, however, a significant number of these
vehicles have been routed through Portreath, sometimes when school is
coming out.
With the summer holidays almost upon us, and the large number of
visitors trying to find a parking space in the village, together with
the many pedestrians using the beachfront area and toilets, it does not
take too much imagination to envisage the problems that this large flow
of heavy goods vehicles could cause.
If anyone sees these vehicles progressing through the village, I urge
them to make a note of the number plate and, if possible, the time of
observation of the sighting.
Please then inform your Parish Councillor so that they may take action on this matter.
P. J. Fleming
Dizine Computer Services
Computer tuition and problem solving
Are you having problems with a new computer or even an old one? Would
you like to learn in the comfort of your home on your own computer?
Call for friendly competent tuition at very competitive rates.
Photograph Manipulation
Would you like a collage/montage made up from a set of favourite photos?
A beautiful print made to look as though it is one photograph.
Great for a special gift or to make a mixture of wedding photos for that something different.
If you are interested please contact me for details.
Dizine 07779158704
Due to low numbers and expressions of concern with the weather, trips
to Penzance and Falmouth were cancelled. We have now got a chance to
book an 8-seater minibus for small group trips but this can mean
increased costs.
If any groups of 4 or 6 wish to go on a local coach trip e.g. William
Oates or Mounts Bay Travel, it can be booked with a pick up point in
the square, however they will not come down for just 1 or 2 people.
Please contact me if you are interested for trips in July, August and
September, as bookings are harder to get at this busy time so we need
to book as early as possible.
Broadband Update
1st Broadband SW is now connecting customers to the wireless network.
Those of you who have the service have been giving extremely good
feedback about the installation process and the speed of the wireless
1st Broadband have kindly sponsored a website for the Parish Tram
and Microcomms have loaned a camera to set up a SurfCam.
www.parishtram.co.uk. I have also added a tide time page.
I am hoping to set up a forum on this site for all local Internet
users, wireless or dialup to post and read views and issues that come
up in the Portreath area. In the mean time I hope you enjoy your fast
Internet connection and I would appreciate any comments good or bad to
The Parish Council is still making a concentrated effort to achieve a
reduction in the speed of traffic through the village with the Local
County Councillor, Mr T Rowe, fully supporting these efforts. At the
present time investigations are being made by the County Council into
the possible installation of 2 “build outs” along Penberthy Road but
members are concerned at the resulting loss of parking spaces where
these “build outs” are to be sited. Other traffic calming methods are
also being investigated together with
(a) the extension of the 30 mph speed restriction to a point higher up Tregea Hill
(b) the imposition of a time restricted 20 mph speed limit in the vicinity of the School
Memorial Horse Trough
Following up on the article on the history of this Trough in the
previous issue of the Parish Tram by Mr Ashton White, orders have been
issued for the upgrading/renewal of the lettering including the
cleaning of the Memorial Trough.
Orders have now been issued for the trimming and cleaning of the
various Definitive Footpaths within the Parish. The timing of this work
is not always easy, particularly this year when growth of weeds etc had
been rigorous. The weeding of the harbour precinct area has also been
carried out.
Appointment of Chairman
At the Annual Meeting of the Council held in June, Councillor Mr K
Bowden was unanimously elected Chairman for the coming year with
Councillor Mr Chris Watts being elected Vice Chairman.
Heavy Transport Vehicles
Concern has been expressed by residents due to the fact that some of
the heavy vehicles transporting organic matter to the composting area
at Downs Farm, North Cliffs, Camborne have been using the route through
the village rather than the officially approved route via Halgoss and
Cot Road to the junction at the top of Tregea Hill and thence along the
B.3301 North Cliff Roads to the site.
The Parish Council has drawn this to the attention of the appropriate
Officer of the County Council, as this is a deviation from a prescribed
route and therefore a contravention of the conditions of the Planning
The Officer has been informed that there is an urgent need for the
hauliers concerned to be instructed to adhere to the prescribed route
particularly in view of the ever-increasing holiday traffic both within
and through the village.
Portreath Harbour Family Fun Day
Sunday 1st August 2004-06-18
12 Noon to 10pm
Large Raffle Tea
Wellie Throwing
Stalls Raft
Race Bouncy
Castle Line Dancing
Tae Kwando Display African Drums
Jugglers Parachute Games
Competition “Best Dressed Pirate”
Under 5’s
5 – 7 years
8 – 10 years
11 years and over
Sand Castle competition
Pavement Artist competition
Service at St Mary’s at 6pm
Children’s Disco in Marquee at 6pm
Three live bands will be playing from 7pm – 10pm
Please come and enjoy yourselves and support this family event
Portreath Carpet Bowls Club
Portreath Carpet Bowls Club has had an eventful year having recently
purchased a new carpet with a grand and from “The Penwith Community
Development Committee”, together with a set of coloured balls which
after some delay due to supply problems arrived about 3 weeks ago.
The old carpet has been given to Portreath Primary School together with the old woods and jack.
Two teams, “The Gulls & The Dolphins” were entered in the
Camborne/Redruth winter indoor league but unfortunately both have been
relegated – The Gulls to division 3 and The Dolphins to
division 4.
We hold 2 domestic competitions each year, “The Nancy Kessell Cup” in
November, which was won by Mr Steve Brown, runner up was Mrs Sally
More recently Mr Roger Bunt, Mrs Hilary Bunt being the runner up, won the Chamber of Commerce Cup.
A team entered in The Ted Smith Memorial Evening in February at
Camborne RFC and came in a joint third, which was a very pleasing event.
Membership remains in the mid 20’s. The treasurer reports in April a healthy balance in excess of £200.
Beat Lines
This year is passing so quickly that I can’t believe that we are
already fast approaching the summer equinox. Min you I seem to think
that at about this time every year.
Although the days are longer there is sill does not seem to be enough
time to do everything that people would like us to. To explain what I
mean I will give you some facts and figures so that you are aware of
the challenges face by your local officers. I don’t intend to bore you
on a regular basis with such figures but thought you might be
interested on this one occasion.
Last month (May) Camborne and Redruth officers dealt with 2045
incidents of which 46 were in Portreath. It doesn’t take a
mathematician to work out therefore that 1999 incidents were dealt with
outside of the Parish in one month alone. So far for the whole of this
year the crime level in Portreath is virtually the same as last year,
at the time of writing there have been 66 reported crimes, last year
there were 64 for the same period.
However in the whole of Camborne and Redruth there have already been in
excess of 2700 crimes. One noticeable difference in the figures of
Portreath this year is the amount of arrest made in the Parish.
This year we have made 38 arrests already whereas last year for the
same period we had made 7 arrests. I read in a local paper recently
that Devon and Cornwall is the most popular tourist destination in the
Country. With this huge increase in numbers to the area each year
obviously brings a large increase in the workloads of all officers. All
this at a time when there are the various summer shows, events and
other seasonal functions, which require a police, input.
I present you with these figures so that you have some idea where you
policemen are and what they are doing on a day to day basis. They will
always be available to respond to any call you have to make but please
be aware that at times to calls to us by necessity have to be
prioritised and you may have to wait a little while if you ring us
about a non urgent matter.
Sill on a summer theme – at this time of year people like to go walking
along North Cliffs and in the woods often leaving their car in a
relatively isolated location. If you take your car to any of our local
beauty spots please leave your valuables at home. To assist you in
letting any would be criminal know that your car does no contain
valuables I have signs available at Redruth police station.
Alternatively I would be pleased to speak to you whilst out on foot
patrol in the village.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer
P C Roberts
Organic Vegetable Box Scheme
Available in the village with free delivery on Wednesday from a local farm in Guscarne.
A good selection of seasonal vegetables and fruit, also available eggs, chicken and beef.
Further details Tel: 01872 865922
Not only helping the environment but providing local jobs
Dear Ed
I’m a Cornish exile living in Yorkshire and today I received a copy of
The Parish Tram from my Great Niece who lives in Redruth. I lived at
Ventourage, Illogan until I was 20 years old when my Dad died. My
Mother, sister and myself then went to Yorkshire to live with my Uncle.
My reason for writing this letter is mostly because it brings back so
many memories. I am wondering if I could receive a quarterly copy and
if necessary I will pay the postage and any other costs involved. The
piece about the granite drinking trough was very nostalgic as I
remember it well. That in turn bought back memories of a granite trough
that was located at the top of Tregea Hill where the road to
Tehidy joined the one to the coastal road.
Perhaps someone could explain its purpose and when it was installed. My
belief is that it was for horses, but I have been “cooled down” many a
time in hot weather.
Wishing you all the best with your next issue.
I remain yours truly
Mr R H Parr
As part of an “Open Studio Southwest”, 2 artists in the village will be opening their studios to the public.
Catherine Dennis is a painter who is interested in Landscape and
Portraits. She lives in Greenfield Terrace and has a studio at the end
of her garden.
Sarah Clasper lives on Primrose Terrace, she paints landscapes locally
and her studio is in a walled garden. Work is for sale and visitors
will be made very welcome..
Open Days
Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd August
Saturday & Sunday 28th & 29th August
For further information Tel: 01209 843213
Badminton Club
At the Millennium Hall Portreath
Now seeking members, Senior and Junior.
Possible days Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
Anyone interested please call Sara on 843360
Mineral Tramways Heritage Project - Appeal for information for the proposed Portreath Branch Line Trail.
Cornwall County Council in partnership with Kerrier District Council
are proposing through this final phase of the Mineral Tramways Project
(Nov 2003-Mar 2005) to create a network of new multi use trails linking
important heritage mine sites and mining villages within the project
area of Camborne- Redruth, Portreath, Gwennap-St.Day. The feasibility
stage of this multi-funded project includes assessments of mine sites
and features, trails routes and the identification and negotiation with
Readers are asked for their assistance in identifying ownership details
along the length of the Portreath Incline. If you have information
which you believe may be of help please contact Simon Murray at the
County Council based team on tel. 01872 323607', and thank you!'
Simon Murray
Incline Project
On the 26th June The Incline Church Community Project launched a new
club for children aged 4 to 11 years. Despite the rain, almost one
hundred adults and children came along to the village school and
enjoyed a fantastic morning of fun to launch the new club. Local
children entered a competition to choose a name for the club and
to design a logo. Sheena's name 'Mish Mash Club' and Dannielle's logo
(will be published shortly) were chosen by the judges. Rosie Clifton
from the Children's Fund presented art and craft prizes to the girls.
Candy Atherton came along to the launch and said a few words of praise
and encouragement. The children enjoyed a variety of craft
activities, healthy snacks and a chance to make 'snail
sandwiches'. Circus Skills were there (there are some very
skilled tight rope walkers and stilt walkers in the village). The
morning provided opportunities to dress up as a carrot, turnip or pea
in fabulous costumes loaned to the group by The Healthy Living
Initiative (adults and children all had a go!), chance to play
with Missy the Ferret, have faces painted, join in with a Felt Making
activity and enjoy lots of cups of tea, coffee and cake (much
appreciated by the adults present). The new club has had the very
best of starts, well supported by the local community so thank you to
all who came along, members of the Parish Council and the Portreath
Improvements Committee, the local church, Sandy and staff from Kerrier
Ontrack (who have helped from the beginning and continue to support
us), the Network Fund for making it all possible, Portreath School and
most of all, the children, parents and grandparents.
We now look forward to meeting monthly, 8-11 year olds first but with
some joint sessions with the 4-7 year olds to be held before Christmas.
The club is now full for the older group but there is a reserve list so
do contact me, Terry on 843181 if you want to put your name down.
African Drumming is planned for July and Circus Skills will be with us
again in August!
Terry Reynard .
The Eatsome Project, from Cornwall's Healthy Living Initiative,
is working with the Incline Project to promote healthy eating and the
"Healthy Boxes" vegetable box scheme.
The Eatsome project is a two year funded project, which is part of the
national 5 A DAY campaign to promote fruit and vegetable consumption.
Our aims are to increase the consumption of healthy foods, especially
fruit and vegetables, through addressing barriers such as
affordability, access and awareness of healthy foods, and to promote
local produce.
The project offers cooking sessions, training for cookery club leaders,
and grants for growing, cooking and other healthy eating projects for
community groups.
Healthy Boxes is a scheme led by Penwith District Council, which will
help community groups to access fresh, quality local produce at
affordable prices.
Rob Poole, Penwith District Council's Rural Economy Officer, says that
"the project will actively support and work in partnership with
community shops and will support local growers and producers".
The Incline Project will be working with the Eatsome Project to set up
some healthy eating projects, including the healthy boxes scheme.
The Incline Project, through CHIC, is setting up a drop off for the
vegetable boxes on Wednesday mornings in the Church. This scheme will
start as soon as we have the minimum number of 10 boxes required.
If you are interested in receiving a box, at a cost of no more than £5
for an assortment of eight different vegetables plus recipe card,
please contact Incline Project: Terry 843181 or Yvonne on 842005
To:- The Editor, Portreath Parish Tram.
From:- Captain P. J. Fleming,
‘Anneth Lowen,
Tregea Hill,
Dear Sir,
Green Waste Project
With regard to the setting–up of the green waste project along the
coastal road to Hayle, I am very concerned to note that some of the
heavy goods vehicles transporting waste to and from the site are coming
through Portreath village.
As I understand it, this is against the permission given to them by
Cornwall County Council, which stipulated that they must use Cot Road,
Halgoss and Tolvaddon as a route to access the site. In fact, a new
roundabout has recently been constructed at Tolvaddon in order to
facilitate this traffic.
Since the project started, however, a significant number of these
vehicles have been routed through Portreath, sometimes when school is
coming out.
With the summer holidays almost upon us, and the large number of
visitors trying to find a parking space in the village, together with
the many pedestrians using the beachfront area and toilets, it does not
take too much imagination to envisage the problems that this large flow
of heavy goods vehicles could cause.
If anyone sees these vehicles progressing through the village, I urge
them to make a note of the number plate and, if possible, the time of
observation of the sighting.
Please then inform your Parish Councillor so that they may take action on this matter.
P. J. Fleming
Dizine Computer Services
Computer tuition and problem solving
Are you having problems with a new computer or even an old one? Would
you like to learn in the comfort of your home on your own computer?
Call for friendly competent tuition at very competitive rates.
Photograph Manipulation
Would you like a collage/montage made up from a set of favourite photos?
A beautiful print made to look as though it is one photograph.
Great for a special gift or to make a mixture of wedding photos for that something different.
If you are interested please contact me for details.
Dizine 07779158704
Due to low numbers and expressions of concern with the weather, trips
to Penzance and Falmouth were cancelled. We have now got a chance to
book an 8-seater minibus for small group trips but this can mean
increased costs.
If any groups of 4 or 6 wish to go on a local coach trip e.g. William
Oates or Mounts Bay Travel, it can be booked with a pick up point in
the square, however they will not come down for just 1 or 2 people.
Please contact me if you are interested for trips in July, August and
September, as bookings are harder to get at this busy time so we need
to book as early as possible.
Broadband Update
1st Broadband SW is now connecting customers to the wireless network.
Those of you who have the service have been giving extremely good
feedback about the installation process and the speed of the wireless
1st Broadband have kindly sponsored a website for the Parish Tram
and Microcomms have loaned a camera to set up a SurfCam.
www.parishtram.co.uk. I have also added a tide time page.
I am hoping to set up a forum on this site for all local Internet
users, wireless or dialup to post and read views and issues that come
up in the Portreath area. In the mean time I hope you enjoy your fast
Internet connection and I would appreciate any comments good or bad to
The Parish Council is still making a concentrated effort to achieve a
reduction in the speed of traffic through the village with the Local
County Councillor, Mr T Rowe, fully supporting these efforts. At the
present time investigations are being made by the County Council into
the possible installation of 2 “build outs” along Penberthy Road but
members are concerned at the resulting loss of parking spaces where
these “build outs” are to be sited. Other traffic calming methods are
also being investigated together with
(a) the extension of the 30 mph speed restriction to a point higher up Tregea Hill
(b) the imposition of a time restricted 20 mph speed limit in the vicinity of the School
Memorial Horse Trough
Following up on the article on the history of this Trough in the
previous issue of the Parish Tram by Mr Ashton White, orders have been
issued for the upgrading/renewal of the lettering including the
cleaning of the Memorial Trough.
Orders have now been issued for the trimming and cleaning of the
various Definitive Footpaths within the Parish. The timing of this work
is not always easy, particularly this year when growth of weeds etc had
been rigorous. The weeding of the harbour precinct area has also been
carried out.
Appointment of Chairman
At the Annual Meeting of the Council held in June, Councillor Mr K
Bowden was unanimously elected Chairman for the coming year with
Councillor Mr Chris Watts being elected Vice Chairman.
Heavy Transport Vehicles
Concern has been expressed by residents due to the fact that some of
the heavy vehicles transporting organic matter to the composting area
at Downs Farm, North Cliffs, Camborne have been using the route through
the village rather than the officially approved route via Halgoss and
Cot Road to the junction at the top of Tregea Hill and thence along the
B.3301 North Cliff Roads to the site.
The Parish Council has drawn this to the attention of the appropriate
Officer of the County Council, as this is a deviation from a prescribed
route and therefore a contravention of the conditions of the Planning
The Officer has been informed that there is an urgent need for the
hauliers concerned to be instructed to adhere to the prescribed route
particularly in view of the ever-increasing holiday traffic both within
and through the village.
Portreath Harbour Family Fun Day
Sunday 1st August 2004-06-18
12 Noon to 10pm
Large Raffle Tea
Wellie Throwing
Stalls Raft
Race Bouncy
Castle Line Dancing
Tae Kwando Display African Drums
Jugglers Parachute Games
Competition “Best Dressed Pirate”
Under 5’s
5 – 7 years
8 – 10 years
11 years and over
Sand Castle competition
Pavement Artist competition
Service at St Mary’s at 6pm
Children’s Disco in Marquee at 6pm
Three live bands will be playing from 7pm – 10pm
Please come and enjoy yourselves and support this family event
Portreath Carpet Bowls Club
Portreath Carpet Bowls Club has had an eventful year having recently
purchased a new carpet with a grand and from “The Penwith Community
Development Committee”, together with a set of coloured balls which
after some delay due to supply problems arrived about 3 weeks ago.
The old carpet has been given to Portreath Primary School together with the old woods and jack.
Two teams, “The Gulls & The Dolphins” were entered in the
Camborne/Redruth winter indoor league but unfortunately both have been
relegated – The Gulls to division 3 and The Dolphins to
division 4.
We hold 2 domestic competitions each year, “The Nancy Kessell Cup” in
November, which was won by Mr Steve Brown, runner up was Mrs Sally
More recently Mr Roger Bunt, Mrs Hilary Bunt being the runner up, won the Chamber of Commerce Cup.
A team entered in The Ted Smith Memorial Evening in February at
Camborne RFC and came in a joint third, which was a very pleasing event.
Membership remains in the mid 20’s. The treasurer reports in April a healthy balance in excess of £200.
Beat Lines
This year is passing so quickly that I can’t believe that we are
already fast approaching the summer equinox. Min you I seem to think
that at about this time every year.
Although the days are longer there is sill does not seem to be enough
time to do everything that people would like us to. To explain what I
mean I will give you some facts and figures so that you are aware of
the challenges face by your local officers. I don’t intend to bore you
on a regular basis with such figures but thought you might be
interested on this one occasion.
Last month (May) Camborne and Redruth officers dealt with 2045
incidents of which 46 were in Portreath. It doesn’t take a
mathematician to work out therefore that 1999 incidents were dealt with
outside of the Parish in one month alone. So far for the whole of this
year the crime level in Portreath is virtually the same as last year,
at the time of writing there have been 66 reported crimes, last year
there were 64 for the same period.
However in the whole of Camborne and Redruth there have already been in
excess of 2700 crimes. One noticeable difference in the figures of
Portreath this year is the amount of arrest made in the Parish.
This year we have made 38 arrests already whereas last year for the
same period we had made 7 arrests. I read in a local paper recently
that Devon and Cornwall is the most popular tourist destination in the
Country. With this huge increase in numbers to the area each year
obviously brings a large increase in the workloads of all officers. All
this at a time when there are the various summer shows, events and
other seasonal functions, which require a police, input.
I present you with these figures so that you have some idea where you
policemen are and what they are doing on a day to day basis. They will
always be available to respond to any call you have to make but please
be aware that at times to calls to us by necessity have to be
prioritised and you may have to wait a little while if you ring us
about a non urgent matter.
Sill on a summer theme – at this time of year people like to go walking
along North Cliffs and in the woods often leaving their car in a
relatively isolated location. If you take your car to any of our local
beauty spots please leave your valuables at home. To assist you in
letting any would be criminal know that your car does no contain
valuables I have signs available at Redruth police station.
Alternatively I would be pleased to speak to you whilst out on foot
patrol in the village.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer
P C Roberts
Organic Vegetable Box Scheme
Available in the village with free delivery on Wednesday from a local farm in Guscarne.
A good selection of seasonal vegetables and fruit, also available eggs, chicken and beef.
Further details Tel: 01872 865922
Not only helping the environment but providing local jobs
Dear Ed
I’m a Cornish exile living in Yorkshire and today I received a copy of
The Parish Tram from my Great Niece who lives in Redruth. I lived at
Ventourage, Illogan until I was 20 years old when my Dad died. My
Mother, sister and myself then went to Yorkshire to live with my Uncle.
My reason for writing this letter is mostly because it brings back so
many memories. I am wondering if I could receive a quarterly copy and
if necessary I will pay the postage and any other costs involved. The
piece about the granite drinking trough was very nostalgic as I
remember it well. That in turn bought back memories of a granite trough
that was located at the top of Tregea Hill where the road to
Tehidy joined the one to the coastal road.
Perhaps someone could explain its purpose and when it was installed. My
belief is that it was for horses, but I have been “cooled down” many a
time in hot weather.
Wishing you all the best with your next issue.
I remain yours truly
Mr R H Parr
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