Friday, June 11, 2004


Our new entrance garden at school has now been completed and has completely
transformed the school. The whole school community was captivated as the
garden and sunflower grew day by day. All the children were involved in the
making of the sunflower mosaic with each class making their own section.
children were taken through the whole process including the casting,
and grouting of the pieces, by the artist, Michelle O'Connor.
Many thanks go to her and Nick Julyan, the landscape gardener and his team,
for the care that they showed on the project.
The official opening takes place on Wednesday April 28 at 2.15. All welcome
Musical Mayhem

Parent & Child Musical Playgroup
for 0 – 5 year olds

Come along and see how music can develop your child’s use of numbers,
letters and social skills through:

Games Crafts Stories Songs

An exciting range of percussion instruments will stimulate your child’s
imagination and creativity, whilst teaching rhythm, dynamics, and basic
musical knowledge.

Also Available:

Children’s Musical Parties
Piano/Keyboard Tuition

Call Joanne on 01209 213811 or 0776 049 4350 (mobile)

Family Harbour Fun Day

Will be held on Sunday 1st August this year.

There will be something for everyone and plenty for the children to do.

Anyone interested in helping either in planning or on the day, please
contact either Peta Redmore (842556) or Di Helyer(842492)
Help to make it a great day for Portreath.
Easter Fair

Saturday 10 April 1-4 pm
To be held in The Millennium Hall, in aid of MacMillan Nurses.
To be opened by our very own Ben Casey, MacMillan Nurse at Treliske.
There will be: Large raffle, Tombola, Cakes and Trifles, Books, 2 Bikes,
Bric a Brac, Guess the weight of the cake etc. Cream teas or Hot Cross
bun and tea.
Vote for those you want to suffer.
Please support MacMillan in Cornwall

Deptford Pink

Regular walkers along New Walk may have noticed the wonderful display of
deep pink/red flowers in the mid to late summer. The spectacular sight
is produced by a nationally rare plant called the Deptford Pink, a
member of the Dianthus family, that includes carnations. The Deptford
Pink starts flowering from early July, later than the Red Campion, which
can flower from March to October and gives an equally dazzling display
of bright rose pink flowers which line the footpaths and hedgerows
throughout the Parish.

The population of Deptford Pink plants found on New Walk is one of only
6 locations for this species in Cornwall. Historically the Deptford Pink
was widespread on tracksides and rough grasslands, but has declined
rapidly since the 1950’s and is now found in only 10% of its previous
locations. The main causes of decline have been the lack of suitable
management and the loss of sites to development or changing in farming
practices. Consequently the remaining populations are highly fragmented
and vulnerable where suitable management is not carried out. The plants
like open, light conditions so management often involves scrub clearance
and periodic clearance to produce suitable conditions for the
establishment of seedlings.

To help ensure the continued survival of the Deptford Pink in Portreath,
Kerrier Conservation Crew and the charity Plantlife undertook some
management work on Sunday 14 March. The work involved some clearance of
scrub and rank grassland along parts of New Walk. If you would be
interested in helping out please contact Jackie Merrick on 01209 710695
or 07973 813558 mobile.

Wesley Smyth

Cornwall County Fire Brigade
Home Safety Check
As part of a Community Fire Safety programme, Cornwall County Council
Fire Brigade is offering residents in Portreath Parish the opportunity
of a free home fire safety check.
If you would like a home fire risk assessment, call the Fire Safety
Policy Unit on 01872 323244 or Freephone 0800 3581 999.
The Portreath Improvements Committee have a number of free smoke alarms
to distribute locally. If you would like one please call Connie Trewella
on 842636.


Community Outings Group

Proposed trips to Looe and Polperro and Ikea at Bristol

(Clarks Village has been cancelled due to lack of support
and concern over the weather)

Next trips will be more local –
Provisionally to Penzance – last week in April
Falmouth – late May

Please sign the list in the Post Office if you are interested in either
of these,
by Saturday 17th April, or contact me on 842492

Prices as before depending on numbers

Di Helyer:

Beat Lines

At this time of year most of us start to think about the different ways
to make use of the improving weather conditions and the light evenings
that come with the onset of Spring and Summer. The keen gardeners
amongst us will soon become very active whilst others will be looking to
complete exterior decorating jobs. All of these tasks help to present
Portreath in good light to visitors and generally make us all feel good
about the environment in which we live.

However they are all tasks that will require the use of tools to some
degree. Many of the tools used to complete these jobs are kept in garden
sheds or similar structures. Every year in Devon and Cornwall 1,400
garden sheds are broken into. Many of these crimes are committed by
opportunist thieves on property where security is not as good as it
should be. Therefore, may I ask that you add to your list of Spring jobs
a security check of the building where you store your tools and make
sure that it is as secure as possible. We have an advisory leaflet
entitled ‘GET SHEDUCATED’ if you would like one of these please contact
Camborne or Redruth station and I will get one for you.

I have recently had a conversation with the Traffic Warden for the
Portreath area with regard to the parking restrictions that are
effective from 1st of May until 31st September. We thought that a timely
reminder in this publication may help reduce the amount of fixed penalty
tickets we have to give out this summer. Each year I receive many
complaints about parking, with people often contravening double yellow
lines and the other restrictions particularly on hot sunny days. Please
park in accordance with the regulations, we’d really prefer not to issue
any parking tickets!

Have you seen the advertisement on the television encouraging people to
apply for the Special Constabulary? It is not filmed locally, but that
does not mean that the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary are not
continually seeking applications from responsible members of the
community to join the Special Constabulary. If you are looking to assist
the local community in your spare time in a role that can be both
challenging and rewarding then at least consider the whether you might
be suited to the Special Constabulary. If you want more information then
please contact our training department on 01872 326018.

For those of you who use the internet our website is worth a visit as it
is full of useful information. You will find it at Happy surfing!

Finally if anyone would like to give information anonymously in respect
of any crime then please call crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 For all
other non emergency calls please use the new local rate force number
0845 777 444.
Are YOU Connected
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Or for further information call Chris Watts on 01209 843873

Harbour House Residential Home


Phil and Caroline Jefferies were presented with a teak garden seat and
brass plaque given by residents and staff on their leaving Harbour House.

After sixteen years of dedicated service, good wishes were extended to
Phil and Caroline (together with the boys) for happiness in the years
ahead. They are now living locally at Bridge.

Residents and staff look forward to enjoying life with the new owners,
Mary and John Anson (of Anson Care Services) and Manager Sarah Eliot.

Emily Pascoe

Savage Surf

Now open seven days a week - your friendly local surf shop/boutique.
Wetsuits by Gul, Billabong, Alder, GSkins, Tiki & Circle One.
NSP Surfboards plus wide choice of bodyboards
Fashion and Jewellery
Reef Footwear
Surf Hire
Everything for the beach
tel: 01209 842 920
Regeneration Bulletin 2

A big thank you goes to all of you who replied to the questionnaire in
the last edition of the Parish Tram. We had far more replies than
expected and it has given us a good indication that the vast majority of
residents want to see Greenfield Gardens upgraded as public amenity gardens.

Designs are now being sought so the regeneration team have asked the
Parish Tram to publish a blank plan for your ideas. As you will see
there are certain features that have to stay, the pumping station, road
to the pumping station, new access from Sunnyvale Road. Please feel free
to put your ideas in any form be it coloured crayon, pencil or other
medium. When finished please leave with the Post Office. All plans will
be looked at and taken into consideration.

We also have the opportunity to take the old Crazy Golf site into the
regeneration scheme. Kerrier District Council have no plans for the site
and we are in discussion with them as to its future.

There has been a change of Chairman and the addition of three new
members to the Committee. Councillor Chris Watts has taken over the
chair from Councillor Ashton White so that he (Councillor White) can
concentrate on another important village project on behalf of the
Millennium Hall Management Committee, which is solving the problem of
the acoustics in the Hall.

The three new members are Sarah Clasper, Sheilah Neave and Jon Sawyer.

A White


The nippers and juniors have just returned from a still water competition
at Millfield School where they all did very well. This was a first
competition for some of them. Medal winners included Daniel Rutter, Zara
Angove, Emma Grainger, Megan Pope, Jonty Brook, Will Parkinson, Matthew
Grainger, Isabel Southworth, Hayley Seymour, Josh Harris, Holly Hawkey,
Claire Morris, George Haynes, Simon Mitchell, Duke Seymour and Luke Curtis.
The weekend was enjoyed by all.

The club will be holding an Antiques Valuation evening at the Clubhouse on
27th April at 7 pm. Anyone who has any treasures in their attic that they
would like to have valued please come along or just come along and enjoy the

An auction will be held at the Portreath Arms on 2nd May to raise funds for
the club. So, come along and bid for any of the lots - too numerous to

Portreath Improvements Committee

Our main event this quarter has been the annual election of new members.
It was a very successful evening resulting in a full committee of 24
members for the first time in many years. The members list for 2004:
Chairman: Nigel Mathews. Vice Chairman: Ken Bowden. Treasurer: Connie
Trewella. Secretary: Doris Butler. President: Richard Pascoe. Mike
Ayleward. Sara Clasper. Jim Dennis. Derek Fortey. Barbara Jones. Pat
Kessell. Barry Laity. Colin Male. Felix Meehan. Sheilah Neave. Billy
Peters. Terry Reynard. Glynn Roberts. Trevor Rutland. Jonathan Sawyer.
Peter Skinner. Chris Todd. Chris Watts. Alan Williams.

We have a new Secretary this year. Colin Male has stood down after a
number of years in the post. The committee expressed their thanks for
all the work he has put into the job. The new Secretary is Doris Butler.
Any enquiries to the PIC should now go to her at 5 Belerion Road,
Portreath. Tel 842796.
Parish Council Report


Members of Portreath Parish Council resolved that the precept for the
financial year 2004/5 should be increased by only 3% in accordance with
the increase of cost of living.

New Councillor

Mrs. D. Butler of Green Lane, Portreath has been co-opted as a Member of
the Parish Council following the resignation of Mrs. V. Appleton.

Speed Visor

The Parish Council investigated the possibility of funding a speed visor
to be sited at the entrance to the village. We have been informed that
it is County Council policy only to permit the erection of permanent
Speed Visors where approval has been granted by the Secretary of State
based on accident records.

A request has also been made to the County Council for the siting of a
Speed Visor in Bridge in an effort to reduce the speed of vehicles
through Bridge and Bridge Moor. These Speed Visors are in position for a
very limited period but it is hoped that the presence of a Visor will
have the desired effect.

Kerrier District Council Chairman

Mrs. C. Rule J.P. Chairman of Kerrier District Council was welcomed to
the meeting of the Council held on 2nd February.

Footpath – Bridge

The Parish Council have been pressing the County Council for some time
to carry out remedial works to the tarmacadam surface of the footpath
outside Bridge Methodist Church. It is anticipated that this work will
be carried out shortly.

Mobile Library
Every other Tuesday
From 30 March 2004
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Portreath Millennium Community Hall
Reg charity no 1090339


26th May, 2004 - 7.30 p.m.

All residents and interested parties are invited to attend the AGM on
Wednesday 26th May. Please note we are looking for more people to help
in the running of the Hall and Officers will be appointed at the meeting.

If you have any queries, please contact the Secretary on 01209 843873


Letters to the Tram

Would anyone be interested in creating a seaside garden on the site of
the old crazy golf site? I have often wandered in (there is no gate
left) and sat on the granite seat in the afternoon sun. It could become
a green shared space for the village. Many plants have taken hold and
possibly with some imagination this derelict eyesore could become a
tranquil place to escape a crowded beach. It could become an asset to
the village for the benefit of both old and young to enjoy.

Please contact me Sarah Clasper (843213)


I was in Portreath yesterday and picked up your interesting newsletter.
I was prompted to write further to the letter from John Lott.

It does seem a real pity that this beautiful sea-front car park is shut
off at night. It was such a great place to visit during the evening to
look over the waves, perhaps by moonlight. What a pity that this has to
be locked up.

A while ago I bumped into the person closing the gate and he explained
that this was to prevent young men driving noisily with their cars at
night. It's such a pity that this anti-social behaviour has resulted in
the loss of the pleasure of the car park at night for so many.

I live mainly in Penzance and friends have commented on this loss. Maybe
the committee responsible for the decision doesn’t realise how
marvellous the beach scene is at night; possibly they recognise it as
familiar, maybe taking it for granted.

There must be another way of stopping this problem - the driver of these
cars can’t be "outside society" as otherwise they wouldn't be able to
afford their cars. Has anybody tried to influence their behaviour in a
friendly positive way?

Best wishes,

Hillary Burger

History and the Horse Trough

I imagine very few citizens of the Parish will not have noticed the
ornate granite drinking trough in The Square - as the Parish Register
has it – standing conspicuously as it does on the fringe of the pavement
adjacent to the Newsagents. But how many of us would claim to remember,
or even to have read the dedication on it? - either the one on the
“slab” face or the one on the base of the trough itself.

We have to thank the redoubtable Queen Victoria for the first of these
whose Diamond Wedding anniversary in 1897 - 22nd June to be pedantic -
is commemorated for posterity. The second dedication around the base
trough is an appreciation by the local Council of the day of the good
works done by Mrs CM (Charlotte Mary) Basset, wife of Gustavous Basset
of Tehidy, whose lasting tribute to his wife is Mary’s Well at Illogan,
opened after his death in 1888. A grand affair indeed and as befits
Mary's renowned love of animals had one trough for horses and a smaller
one for dogs. (See footnote)

Moving this potted history more or less up to date, the last dedication
down on the slate in-lay records the date in 1995 when this Parish
Council, “with a little help from it’s friends”, moved this magnificent
example of the stone mason's art for it's own safety from inside the
shops’ car parking precinct, outside to its present site where we hope
it will remain undisturbed for at least another hundred years.

Oh yes, I nearly forgot to forgive everyone who may have tried to
decipher these dedications and failed, for truth to tell, they were
pretty well unreadable, but the good news is that with the generous help
of the Portreath Improvements Committee and others, we hope to not only
repaint the existing lettering, but also add an inscription
commemorating the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in June 2003.

Ashton White

For further reading on the history of the Bassets, Michael Tangye’s
‘Tehidy and the Bassets’ published in 1984 is recommended reading.

Wireless Community Broadband

1st Broadband helps communities get a fast, always-on connection to the
Internet at speeds far in excess of ADSL.

We are already providing this high-powered broadband service to West
Cornwall, and are now ready to bring it to other communities in the
South West.

Our unique community-centric approach particularly suits homes and
businesses located outside the largest cities and towns.

1st Broadband's wireless solution is reliable, easy to install, and low
cost. Our technical support systems ensure a reliable quality service.

We look forward to working with you to bring high-powered broadband to
your community in the South West - just like we've done for Penwith in
West Cornwall.

For more information please visit our website: You can register with 1st Broadband without

The Portreath Church and Community Project
The Incline Project is holding its AGM on the 22nd April 04 in the
Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. This project is an exciting community intiative
aimed at developing improved resources for village people and supporting
existing projects who ask for our support. We welcome members of the
community to the AGM and any groups in need of community support,
funding and advice, would be very welcome to join with us. We have a
Community Worker, Treve James and other lively minded people keen to
develop sustainable ideas for the community of Portreath. We have one
project already up and running. CHIC (Care and Hospitaility in the
Community), and very soon we hope to have a Once a Month Children's
Group for ages 5 through to 11 years running from the school. Want to
know more? Come along on the 22nd April and keep reading The Tram!


The End of an Era

The end of March sees the end of a Newsagent shop in Portreath. After a
little research the Tram found that the site of Frewins has been a gift
shop, café and newsagents since the 1970’s. At one time it was known as
“The Treasure Chest” and served teas and coffees on the pavement
outside. From 1983 to 1987 it was run by Mike and Jan Sowden as a
newsagents and café. Nobby and Sheena took it on in 1988.

Alison and Dave have decided with regret not to renew the lease and wish
to thank all their customers and friends for their support over the past
two years.

Nobby and Sheena are currently in negotiations with the prospective
purchaser of the shop and the Tram cannot report on a definite sale.
Nobby and Sheena would also like to pass on their thanks to all the
people they got to know in the 13 years they ran Frewins. Thankfully
both of them are recovering well from their medical problems. Sheena is
helping to arrange the services that Frewins ran to be transferred to
CostCutters. This includes the sale of newspapers and magazines. It is
not yet known whether a newspaper delivery service will be in operation
in the future.

The Cornwall Air Ambulance helicopter landed on Portreath car park at 1
pm on Jan 28th 2004
A dog walker was suffering chest pains and was taken to Treliske as a







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