Designated Public Place Order
In the last issue of the parish tram I gave a brief progress report on the anti social behaviour order that the parish council had applied for, I'm very pleased to be able to now report that the designated public place order (DPPO) is now permanently in place in Portreath.
In layman terms the act provides local authorities with the power to make an Order to restrict antisocial drinking in designated public places and it provides the police with the power to enforce the restriction. We applied for the order earlier this year after the great success of the dispersal order of 2005. Dispersal orders are a temporary measure, the DPPO is a permanent order similar to the old bylaws.
The application for the DPPO was a real community effort, the parish council had the support of the Portreath Improvements Committee, which not only wrote letters of support for our efforts but also financed the signage and administration costs. The Harbour Association were involved and also most of the businesses within Portreath, all of whom supported the application with letters of support and historical evidence of antisocial behaviour. We also had overwhelming support from the residents of Portreath.
Neighbourhood beat manager Tim Roberts has given tireless support to our application, he of course has seen the problems of anti social behaviour in Portreath first hand and spent many hours patrolling the area dealing with the consequences of such behaviour.
Thank you to all who contributed time and effort to the parish councils application, working together we can continue to make Portreath a safer place to live , work and visit.
Chris Watts
I am rather old to believe in fairies, but as a child I was assured by my long suffering parents that they really did exist. In answer to many questions of why, how, when did something happen I was usually stalled with the answer, "Oh it must be the fairies at the bottom of the garden"
During the summer, walking through the village, I began to notice the flower beds were beginning to change and bloom. It was not long before they were looking quite colourful and a real pleasure to look at. They were so different from the usual short back and sides the shrubs have been accustomed to in previous seasons
I would just like to say a big thank you to the unseen gardeners who have worked so hard and made our village a much pleasanter place to walk through
Mrs T. Hamer.
All welcome to Portreath TABLE TENNIS Club
Wednesdays at 7pm in St Marys Church Hall
Children under 18 should be accompanied by an adult
Geoff on 01209 843181 or Malcolm on 01209 842695
Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch
Will be held in the Portreath Institute on Saturday 10th of February 2007
12:30 for 1:00pm
Last year's lunch was a great success as usual and this year we would like to increase our numbers. All Senior Citizens that receive State Pension are eligible for our four course lunch and afternoon entertainment.
For further information.
Please call Madeline on 219960 or June on 843019
The Parade will assemble at 2.15 p.m. in the Portreath sea front car park, and will march to St. Mary's Church to lay the wreaths at 2.30 p.m. This will be followed by a Service in the Church and then parade back to the sea front car park.
Regeneration Update
Parish councillors had the chance to view a first draft of the proposed changes to Beach Road due to take place this winter in line with the Mineral Tramways schedule. The main work that is to be carried out is a narrowing of Beach road with build outs on the junctions similar to the construction at Greenfield Terrace. There will also be a pavement on the Southern side of Beach Road.
The village Square is also due to be altered to slow traffic and make it more "pedestrian friendly" The Minerals Tramway team have asked for suggestions for an "iconic" centrepiece that represents the village. Some early suggestions are an anchor, an ore tram, village clock, tide predictor, bronze surfboard! Any suggestions to the Tram care of the Post Office please.
The Greenfield Gardens project has now been passed over to the PIC, bringing to an end a very successful project for the Parish Council. Our final task was to spend the remaining funding on stainless steel benches, these are now in the procurement process and will be in place for the proposed spring grand opening. A big thank you to Jean Oates for keeping track of the funding to Nigel Mathews for overseeing the project and Sara Clasper for her constant work and attention to detail.
The harbour moves on despite the lack of Lottery funding. The new harbour steering committee is chaired by the very capable Doug Coates and a first stage feasibility study is in the process of commission. In the next edition of the Tram I hope to publish the results.
Chris Watts
Portreath Primary School
School Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church at 2pm on Wednesday 4
October 2006.
Breakfast club is starting after half term 30 October 2006 from 8am -
8.40am every day - offers of help welcomed or ideas for activities or
just come along for breakfast!
We are also in the process of making a school garden. Any hints or
help from gardeners in the village would be much appreciated.
Portreath Harbour Fun day. Sunday 20th Aug 2006
The day dawned grey as we worked away,
all feeling unsure , what would happen today.
Not long to go now , we look to the sky,
its looking much better I hope it stays dry.
Well all we can do has now been done,
with minutes to go," HERE COMES THE SUN".
Grey clouds draw back the blue curtain appears,
just in time to allay way all our fears .
We planned all year with nothing overlooked,
the I's had been dotted & checked all was booked.
OH, what a great day full of action and fun,
the team worked so hard to raise a good sum.
Now tired hands to the job, lets pack away,
it will all happen again, another year another day.
Thanks are not enough for what everybody has done,
The rewards we have gained are friends working as one.
This is dedicated to Richard who without his support I could not have
done it,
The committee =Fiona, Shirley, Beverly, Duncan, Callum, Roselyne, John &
Doris .
Friends =
Alex, Radar, Elise, James, Mat, Sue, Di, Colin, Shane, Ben, Scott, Kate, Sarah
Lisa, The Tonkins, The Williams, The Ruddocks, Richard our celebrity,
Paul & Cilla.
Doug & the harbour assoc ,for all their co operation & boat trips. The
Last note Singers.
The Retreat for scrummy cakes, David Nicholas for trailer & use of
field, Thai Quando club
Portreath Surf life Saving Club ,Our D.J Mark Stephens who brought
the event together .
Our Sponsors =
Cornish Fixings, Cornish coffee co, Philip Whear, Gwel an mor,
Skinners, Kehelland garden centre.
& everyone who helped make this day a great success .
My Sincere thanks Pamela Christ ( Chairman )
P.S it's not too soon to enrol for next year
P.P.S We are still waiting for final payments to be made but we
expect our profit to be in excess
of £1,000 which will be allocated to Local organisations and Clubs.
A,G,M Meeting, 1st November ,The Portreath
Institute 7.30 p.m. All Welcome.
Portreath Artist
Catherine Dennis
Is Exhibiting at Helston Museum
A Selection of
Sat 14th Oct – Fri 27th Oct
14th – 20th : 10am – 1pm
21st – 27th : 10am – 4pm
Closed Sunday 01326 564027
Free Entry to Kerrier Residents
Parish Council Report
All the footpaths within the Parish have now been trimmed and cleaned including the removal of fallen trees at the entrance to Footpath No. 7 at Bridge.
Greenfield Gardens
The newly provided grassed areas in Greenfield Gardens have now received the first cut and the temporary fencing should be removed by the time this article goes to press. These areas will continue to be cut by Kerrier District Council Staff but responsibility for the Gardens will shortly be taken over by the Portreath Improvements Committee.
Most of the planting has been carried out but, later in the season, several hundred daffodil bulbs will be planted which should make a wonderful display in the Spring when it is hoped that an Official Re-opening Ceremony will be carried out.
Orders have been placed for the supply of seats and litter bins which will be installed during the
Autumn/Winter period.
Highway Matters
The strengthening of Sunnyvale Road at the rear of Rose Villa Farm has been carried out by the County Council and a short length of fencing erected along this length.
Designated Public Place Order
The Designated Public Place (Portreath) Order 2006 came into effect on 31st August and covers the following areas:-
The Harbour; Kingsley Terrace; The Pier; The Novelty Golf Course
and adjacent area of sand; the Seafront Car Park and Promenade;
Car Park in front of the Waterfront Inn; the area adjacent to and
Surrounding the Rescue Post, The Surf Life Saving Club and Speranza;
Beach Road between Tregea Hill and the junction with Chynance
Firework Display
Members of the Council resolved to fund the attendance of the St. Johns Ambulance personnel at the Bonfire and Firework Display to be held on Sunday 5th November.
Portreath Millennium Community Hall
An evening of Classical Guitar Music
An evening of wine, cheese and classical guitar music will be held at the Portreath Millennium Community Hall on Friday 10th November 2006.
The music will be provided by Douglas McClure who will be playing a selection of romantic pieces for classical guitar. Douglas, an American who has lived in Portreath since 1999, studied classical guitar under the world famous Japanese guitarist Masakazu Ito. Douglas has chosen a programme for the evening which includes works by Llobet, Pio Barrios, Villa Lobos, Bach and Giulani.
The Millennium Hall Committee hope this special evening will be the first in a series of live musical events at the Hall.
The tickets cost £5.00, which will include two glasses of wine and cheese. Other refreshments will also be available. The doors open at 7.30 p.m.
We very much hope you will come and enjoy the music over a glass of wine with friends as a way of supporting your Community Hall.
Tickets will be available from:
The Post Office, Cost Cutters, the Square, Portreath
Jeremy Benjamin, Camberly, Penberthy Road, Portreath
Or by ringing Mrs. Jan Sowden on 01209 842960
Tickets will also be available on the door
If anyone would like to act as a Helper with the Brownies, I would be very pleased to hear from you. We meet for 1.5 hours on Mondays at 5.00 p.m. and your involvement would mean being there to help run games, assist the children with any badge work or projects (for example they are currently planning to put on a pantomime around Christmas time) and generally help keep watch over the children's various activities. Whether you would like to help every week, or every now and then, we can cater for all circumstances. This is a really enjoyable time and working with girls between the age of 7 and 11 certainly brings perspective to life !
Please ring Shena Watts, Guider for the Unit on 01209 843873
Living alone when life becomes something of a struggle can be a stressful business for the best of us, particularly as we grow older, and we begin to wonder if the time is coming when we might need to give up our home. Sometimes the options available don't seem to be exactly right for us. We don't feel ready for a care home, but living alone has become a daily struggle.
Local people now have an additional solution. Harbour House Care Home is opening a 'supported living' (sometimes called 'independent' living) bungalow, similar to the shared homes operated by charities such as 'Abbeyfield', but on a smaller scale. Just imagine not having to be worried by maintenance, gardening and utilities.
Harbour Lodge, situated in the grounds of the care home and opening this autumn, will be what the government calls an extra-care housing facility. It will become home for four individuals who by reason of age or frail health are finding it harder and harder to cope alone – or perhaps for those who just want more freedom from worry and chores. It has four lockable en-suite bed-sitting rooms, and shared use of the large lounge, kitchen-diner, gardens and laundry room.
An inclusive charge covers all rent, light and heating costs, council tax, water rates, maintenance, cleaning of the shared areas, and a daily main meal along with some basic provisions to help promote independence for breakfast and light snacks. Emergency call is available 24 hours a day, and a part-time housekeeper visits daily. A range of other support services, tailored to meet individual needs, can be arranged. It is even possible to participate in organised trips, activities or entertainment offered within the care home.
Should you eventually need care, we offer help in arranging this (if you wish it) and this care can be provided to you within the bungalow in the same way as if you were in your own home. We don't set out to take over, but to 'enable'.
Within this supportive environment residents are free to pursue their own independent lives and interests as they choose, from behind their own front door. This is not a care home but a private housing solution specifically set up to meet the needs of four independently minded people. You can be as independent as you like, or buy further support from a 'menu' of services available from the neighbouring care home such as hairdressing or help with a bath, or housekeeping assistance which might include laundry or cleaning of your own room, or additional pre-prepared snacks.
Enquiries should be directed, in the first instance, to Mrs Sarah Eustice, Manager at Harbour House, who will be happy to show you around and to discuss your personal situation in confidence. Please telephone Sarah on 01209 843276 for an informal discussion or to arrange an appointment.
Greenfield Gardens
September....the new gardener has got to grips with the weeds, bark
chippings have arrived from Kehelland and Peter is mulching around
all the plants .Hopefully by now two new stainless steel seats and
one litter bin have been ordered and will be in place by early
We are planning to have an official opening around March/
April. The bowls club have kindly donated 100 bulbs for the park, I
have approached the school and together with classes 4/5 we will
plant them in October. Hopefully the grass has been cut by the time
this is printed, Kerrier have agreed to maintain the grass and litter
New signs for the park are on their way, we have decided to stick
with the old style of sign of which there are two signing the park
still [ green and white ].
Since writing this article for the last Parish Tram I have had generous
offers of help to keep the park looking nice, a few people have chosen
special areas they helped plant and regularly go and weed.
A popular idea for one of the round areas is to plant a specimen tree
in the centre and have seats around the tree, it could provide shade
in the summer .....hopefully this will go ahead as soon as we can agree
on what type of tree!
I do hope that everyone has visited the new park , the fences are
down and the paths are waiting to be walked on. The P.I.C. would be
pleased to hear any more ideas you have for the park, it is for us
all to enjoy and I think it looks great, my little boy especially
likes running along the sunken seating. I believe the garden will
grow over the years and become a real asset to our village.
Sara Clasper member PIC
Did Portreath Harbour win the Lottery?
Don't we all dream of 'Lady Luck' bringing us home a cool Lotto million? By a stroke of good fortune Portreath was plunged into a massive 25 million pound bid by the County Council for money from the Big Lottery Fund in their Living Landmarks programme.
Cornwall Enterprise put together the plans for the regeneration of five Cornish harbours. We lined up alongside Falmouth, Newquay, Newlyn and Looe in an impressive appeal for half the cost of the countywide programme. From thousands of applicants throughout the UK we made it through the first selection and the Lottery panel of experts came here on a two-day review. We showed them Portreath and shared with them our vision to bring the harbour back to life and regenerate it as a living and working asset for the local community.
Our hopes were high even though the lottery lady boss told us they don't hand out 25 million quid lightly. Alas her words were a prophetic caution and - just like the lottery – that day our numbers didn't come up; though Cornwall did have success with two other bids. The Heartland Project for a regeneration programme in Pool has been selected to go through to compete in the next stage of their Living Landmarks Lottery funding bid and Eden's bid for 50 million is also through to the second selection, so congratulations to both of them.
Well Portreath didn't win the lottery and that certainly is not good news but I don't believe it should be seen as an end but rather the beginning. Now we have the panacea out of the way we can look at the assets available and come up with a revised, and probably better solution.
Being part of that bid was in its self an asset. The experience of working alongside the other multi-million pound harbour development programmes helped us refine our objectives. It gave us a platform. We were able to show the whole county our historic inheritance, this much overlooked port that had once been the trade lifeline to the copper and tin industry that in bygone years had raised Redruth & Camborne to be among the richest towns – not just in Britain but in the whole world – Portreath is now back in the spotlight.
Our community programme to own what must be our greatest asset and to make it better for all is firmly placed on the agenda before Kerrier District Council & the County. Now with World Heritage Site status time is right to take action on all of the suggestions put to us by the village at the open day earlier this year.
With a very modest budget the Parish Council's Regeneration committee have commissioned a feasibility study to examine the sustainable viability of the harbour development plan. Consultants will report on the business potential for more leisure boats in the harbour & evaluate the advantages of a larger and better-serviced fishing fleet. Planners will assess the effect a more vibrant village will have on all of us and our visitors. Environmental experts will consider global warming and flood risk issues and look at ways to deal with the pollution problems.
Still a lot to do and finding another five million certainly will not be as easy as winning the lottery but our little village has a rugged history of fighting and winning, and we will win this one.
Doug Coates, Chairman Harbour Steering Committee.
Portreath Improvements Committee
Christmas Lights 2006
Orders now being taken
The PIC are pleased to continue our Christmas Lights project.
There are 6 wall brackets in stock for new users but we can get more if needed and as usual newcomers to the scheme also get a set of lights and a tree for no charge. Indoor window lights are available as an alternative (one set per household)
For previous users the trees will be at cost price.
To apply for your Christmas tree and lights please phone Elaine or Nigel Sillence on 843515 before Friday 1st December.
Carers Group
We are a group of carers from Portreath who meet regularly for fun and relaxation. We have been running for almost two years and are always looking for new members.
We have just finalised our program for the next six months;
October 3rd- Pitch and Putt, Hayle
November 29th- "That'll Be The Day" Hall for Cornwall
December 12th- Carnon Downs Café and Garden Centre
January 18th- Tate Gallery St Ives, Tour and Lunch (to be confirmed)
February 10th- Ten Pin Bowling, Truro
March 22nd- Penventon Hotel. Swim, Sauna and lunch
If you are a carer and would be interested in any of the above please contact;
Cath 842797 or Janet 842658 for more details.
Annual Bonfire and Firework Display
Will be held on Sunday 5th November
Bonfire 6:30
Fireworks 7:15
Please encourage visiting family and friends to use the FREE Park and Ride scheme to and from The Treasure Park (Gold Centre) New Portreath Road. Running from 5:30 to 8:30
Beach Café open The Shore Shop open
Please give realistic donations to this unique seafront event. Insurance premiums rise every year and monies collected on the night have to cover all costs. The more the donations, the better the next years display.
Please bring light sticks rather than sparklers.
Offers of timber and combustibles are NOT required this year.
7.00 P.M.
The Illogan Sparnon Silver Band will be playing both traditional and modern carols for the festive season and everyone is invited to attend.
Children from the MishMash Club and the Brownies are making lanterns especially for the event and the lantern procession will leave St. Mary's Church Hall at 6.50 p.m., walking down Sunnyvale Road to the Portreath Arms car park.
Mulled wine and mince pies will be provided to help keep us warm and in good voice !
We look forward to seeing you there.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
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