Saturday, December 30, 2006


Dozens of people took part in Portreath Surf Life Saving Club's annual
swim on Boxing Day morning.When 11am arrived the brave swimmers dashed
into the sea, dipped themselves momentarily beneath the icy water,
before rushing back to the sanctuary of the club house.

drying and replacing swimsuits with more traditional winter wear, they
restored the circulation to their fingers and toes with glasses of
mulled wine.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How does your garden grow.

Children from Portreath School planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs to
mark the completion of improvements to Greenfield Gardens.Work on the
£48,000 project began in February and was carried out by R H Olds
Amenity Landscapers of Camborne.

What had been a largely grassed area was transformed with new pathways, disabled access, raised beds and a sunken amphitheatre.

Improvements Committee, which provided £10,000 towards the project,
took charge of the planting programme, which followed.

This included low maintenance ground cover, shrubs, and grass, culminating in the planting of the daffodil bulbs.

Watts, chairman of the parish council, said: "This project has been a
village team effort with the parish council, regeneration team and
Portreath Improvements Committee working together.

improvements committee will be taking ownership by way of a 999-year
lease. This will secure the gardens and ensure the maintenance of the

The balance of the funding for Greenfield Gardens
came from a grant of £28,000 from the Rural Key Fund. A further £10,000
came from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's Liveability Fund.

Mr Watts added: "This is yet another community project for Portreath that has turned out to be a great success.

now open for use and I hope the community will enjoy it. I know the
Brownies already already planning to use the amphitheatre for plays.

official hand over of the gardens from Kerrier to the PIC will take
place in the spring when all these bulbs are in flower."

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Friday, November 03, 2006


09:00 - 02 November 2006
A new support group for breast feeding mums has been launched in Portreath.Little Engines is the brainchild of mum-of-two Katie Fulcher, who raised almost £3,000 to get the group off the ground.

She said: "While breast feeding my son at SureStart Trevu, I decided to become a breast feeding peer supporter - that's a volunteer who gives breast feeding advice to other mums.

"After about eight months I thought it would be a good idea to offer the same sort of support to mums living in my own village - Portreath."

Katie began fund raising and received £250 from Portreath Improvements Committee, £400 from Awards for All and £2,500 from Network Funding.

The group meets every Monday - during term-time - from 9.30am-11am in St Mary's Church Hall. The inaugural meeting was opened by Lady Terrye Teverson, who is the patron of Breast Friends in Camborne.

"Little Engines is not just a breast feeding group," said Katie, "It's also a baby group. We offer a baby weighing facility, breast feeding support, advice from qualified health professionals, and a monthly visit from a health visitor."

Treloweth Children's Centre has also donated a year's supply of refreshments. Although only a handful of mums attended the first meeting, Katie is confident the group will grow.

She said: "It's going to snowball. We've just had four deliveries in the village and there are another three on the way that I know of. Plus we will get some mums from other villages like Porthtowan and Illogan."

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Parish Tram Issue 14


Designated Public Place Order

In the last issue of the parish tram I gave a brief progress report on the anti social behaviour order that the parish council had applied for, I'm very pleased to be able to now report that the designated public place order (DPPO) is now permanently in place in Portreath.

In layman terms the act provides local authorities with the power to make an Order to restrict antisocial drinking in designated public places and it provides the police with the power to enforce the restriction. We applied for the order earlier this year after the great success of the dispersal order of 2005. Dispersal orders are a temporary measure, the DPPO is a permanent order similar to the old bylaws.

The application for the DPPO was a real community effort, the parish council had the support of the Portreath Improvements Committee, which not only wrote letters of support for our efforts but also financed the signage and administration costs. The Harbour Association were involved and also most of the businesses within Portreath, all of whom supported the application with letters of support and historical evidence of antisocial behaviour. We also had overwhelming support from the residents of Portreath.

Neighbourhood beat manager Tim Roberts has given tireless support to our application, he of course has seen the problems of anti social behaviour in Portreath first hand and spent many hours patrolling the area dealing with the consequences of such behaviour.

Thank you to all who contributed time and effort to the parish councils application, working together we can continue to make Portreath a safer place to live , work and visit.

Chris Watts

I am rather old to believe in fairies, but as a child I was assured by my long suffering parents that they really did exist. In answer to many questions of why, how, when did something happen I was usually stalled with the answer, "Oh it must be the fairies at the bottom of the garden"

During the summer, walking through the village, I began to notice the flower beds were beginning to change and bloom. It was not long before they were looking quite colourful and a real pleasure to look at. They were so different from the usual short back and sides the shrubs have been accustomed to in previous seasons

I would just like to say a big thank you to the unseen gardeners who have worked so hard and made our village a much pleasanter place to walk through

Mrs T. Hamer.
All welcome to Portreath TABLE TENNIS Club

Wednesdays at 7pm in St Marys Church Hall

Children under 18 should be accompanied by an adult

Geoff on 01209 843181 or Malcolm on 01209 842695

Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch

Will be held in the Portreath Institute on Saturday 10th of February 2007

12:30 for 1:00pm

Last year's lunch was a great success as usual and this year we would like to increase our numbers. All Senior Citizens that receive State Pension are eligible for our four course lunch and afternoon entertainment.

For further information.

Please call Madeline on 219960 or June on 843019



The Parade will assemble at 2.15 p.m. in the Portreath sea front car park, and will march to St. Mary's Church to lay the wreaths at 2.30 p.m. This will be followed by a Service in the Church and then parade back to the sea front car park.

Regeneration Update

Parish councillors had the chance to view a first draft of the proposed changes to Beach Road due to take place this winter in line with the Mineral Tramways schedule. The main work that is to be carried out is a narrowing of Beach road with build outs on the junctions similar to the construction at Greenfield Terrace. There will also be a pavement on the Southern side of Beach Road.

The village Square is also due to be altered to slow traffic and make it more "pedestrian friendly" The Minerals Tramway team have asked for suggestions for an "iconic" centrepiece that represents the village. Some early suggestions are an anchor, an ore tram, village clock, tide predictor, bronze surfboard! Any suggestions to the Tram care of the Post Office please.

The Greenfield Gardens project has now been passed over to the PIC, bringing to an end a very successful project for the Parish Council. Our final task was to spend the remaining funding on stainless steel benches, these are now in the procurement process and will be in place for the proposed spring grand opening. A big thank you to Jean Oates for keeping track of the funding to Nigel Mathews for overseeing the project and Sara Clasper for her constant work and attention to detail.

The harbour moves on despite the lack of Lottery funding. The new harbour steering committee is chaired by the very capable Doug Coates and a first stage feasibility study is in the process of commission. In the next edition of the Tram I hope to publish the results.

Chris Watts

Portreath Primary School

School Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church at 2pm on Wednesday 4
October 2006.

Breakfast club is starting after half term 30 October 2006 from 8am -
8.40am every day - offers of help welcomed or ideas for activities or
just come along for breakfast!

We are also in the process of making a school garden. Any hints or
help from gardeners in the village would be much appreciated.

Portreath Harbour Fun day. Sunday 20th Aug 2006

The day dawned grey as we worked away,
all feeling unsure , what would happen today.
Not long to go now , we look to the sky,
its looking much better I hope it stays dry.
Well all we can do has now been done,
with minutes to go," HERE COMES THE SUN".

Grey clouds draw back the blue curtain appears,
just in time to allay way all our fears .
We planned all year with nothing overlooked,
the I's had been dotted & checked all was booked.

OH, what a great day full of action and fun,
the team worked so hard to raise a good sum.
Now tired hands to the job, lets pack away,
it will all happen again, another year another day.

Thanks are not enough for what everybody has done,
The rewards we have gained are friends working as one.

This is dedicated to Richard who without his support I could not have
done it,
The committee =Fiona, Shirley, Beverly, Duncan, Callum, Roselyne, John &
Doris .
Friends =
Alex, Radar, Elise, James, Mat, Sue, Di, Colin, Shane, Ben, Scott, Kate, Sarah
Lisa, The Tonkins, The Williams, The Ruddocks, Richard our celebrity,
Paul & Cilla.
Doug & the harbour assoc ,for all their co operation & boat trips. The
Last note Singers.
The Retreat for scrummy cakes, David Nicholas for trailer & use of
field, Thai Quando club
Portreath Surf life Saving Club ,Our D.J Mark Stephens who brought
the event together .
Our Sponsors =
Cornish Fixings, Cornish coffee co, Philip Whear, Gwel an mor,
Skinners, Kehelland garden centre.
& everyone who helped make this day a great success .
My Sincere thanks Pamela Christ ( Chairman )
P.S it's not too soon to enrol for next year
P.P.S We are still waiting for final payments to be made but we
expect our profit to be in excess
of £1,000 which will be allocated to Local organisations and Clubs.

A,G,M Meeting, 1st November ,The Portreath
Institute 7.30 p.m. All Welcome.

Portreath Artist

Catherine Dennis

Is Exhibiting at Helston Museum

A Selection of




Sat 14th Oct – Fri 27th Oct

14th – 20th : 10am – 1pm

21st – 27th : 10am – 4pm

Closed Sunday 01326 564027

Free Entry to Kerrier Residents


Parish Council Report


All the footpaths within the Parish have now been trimmed and cleaned including the removal of fallen trees at the entrance to Footpath No. 7 at Bridge.

Greenfield Gardens

The newly provided grassed areas in Greenfield Gardens have now received the first cut and the temporary fencing should be removed by the time this article goes to press. These areas will continue to be cut by Kerrier District Council Staff but responsibility for the Gardens will shortly be taken over by the Portreath Improvements Committee.

Most of the planting has been carried out but, later in the season, several hundred daffodil bulbs will be planted which should make a wonderful display in the Spring when it is hoped that an Official Re-opening Ceremony will be carried out.

Orders have been placed for the supply of seats and litter bins which will be installed during the

Autumn/Winter period.

Highway Matters

The strengthening of Sunnyvale Road at the rear of Rose Villa Farm has been carried out by the County Council and a short length of fencing erected along this length.

Designated Public Place Order

The Designated Public Place (Portreath) Order 2006 came into effect on 31st August and covers the following areas:-

The Harbour; Kingsley Terrace; The Pier; The Novelty Golf Course

and adjacent area of sand; the Seafront Car Park and Promenade;

Car Park in front of the Waterfront Inn; the area adjacent to and

Surrounding the Rescue Post, The Surf Life Saving Club and Speranza;

Beach Road between Tregea Hill and the junction with Chynance

Firework Display

Members of the Council resolved to fund the attendance of the St. Johns Ambulance personnel at the Bonfire and Firework Display to be held on Sunday 5th November.


Portreath Millennium Community Hall


An evening of Classical Guitar Music

An evening of wine, cheese and classical guitar music will be held at the Portreath Millennium Community Hall on Friday 10th November 2006.

The music will be provided by Douglas McClure who will be playing a selection of romantic pieces for classical guitar. Douglas, an American who has lived in Portreath since 1999, studied classical guitar under the world famous Japanese guitarist Masakazu Ito. Douglas has chosen a programme for the evening which includes works by Llobet, Pio Barrios, Villa Lobos, Bach and Giulani.

The Millennium Hall Committee hope this special evening will be the first in a series of live musical events at the Hall.

The tickets cost £5.00, which will include two glasses of wine and cheese. Other refreshments will also be available. The doors open at 7.30 p.m.

We very much hope you will come and enjoy the music over a glass of wine with friends as a way of supporting your Community Hall.

Tickets will be available from:

The Post Office, Cost Cutters, the Square, Portreath

Jeremy Benjamin, Camberly, Penberthy Road, Portreath

Or by ringing Mrs. Jan Sowden on 01209 842960

Tickets will also be available on the door


If anyone would like to act as a Helper with the Brownies, I would be very pleased to hear from you. We meet for 1.5 hours on Mondays at 5.00 p.m. and your involvement would mean being there to help run games, assist the children with any badge work or projects (for example they are currently planning to put on a pantomime around Christmas time) and generally help keep watch over the children's various activities. Whether you would like to help every week, or every now and then, we can cater for all circumstances. This is a really enjoyable time and working with girls between the age of 7 and 11 certainly brings perspective to life !

Please ring Shena Watts, Guider for the Unit on 01209 843873



Living alone when life becomes something of a struggle can be a stressful business for the best of us, particularly as we grow older, and we begin to wonder if the time is coming when we might need to give up our home. Sometimes the options available don't seem to be exactly right for us. We don't feel ready for a care home, but living alone has become a daily struggle.

Local people now have an additional solution. Harbour House Care Home is opening a 'supported living' (sometimes called 'independent' living) bungalow, similar to the shared homes operated by charities such as 'Abbeyfield', but on a smaller scale. Just imagine not having to be worried by maintenance, gardening and utilities.

Harbour Lodge, situated in the grounds of the care home and opening this autumn, will be what the government calls an extra-care housing facility. It will become home for four individuals who by reason of age or frail health are finding it harder and harder to cope alone – or perhaps for those who just want more freedom from worry and chores. It has four lockable en-suite bed-sitting rooms, and shared use of the large lounge, kitchen-diner, gardens and laundry room.

An inclusive charge covers all rent, light and heating costs, council tax, water rates, maintenance, cleaning of the shared areas, and a daily main meal along with some basic provisions to help promote independence for breakfast and light snacks. Emergency call is available 24 hours a day, and a part-time housekeeper visits daily. A range of other support services, tailored to meet individual needs, can be arranged. It is even possible to participate in organised trips, activities or entertainment offered within the care home.

Should you eventually need care, we offer help in arranging this (if you wish it) and this care can be provided to you within the bungalow in the same way as if you were in your own home. We don't set out to take over, but to 'enable'.

Within this supportive environment residents are free to pursue their own independent lives and interests as they choose, from behind their own front door. This is not a care home but a private housing solution specifically set up to meet the needs of four independently minded people. You can be as independent as you like, or buy further support from a 'menu' of services available from the neighbouring care home such as hairdressing or help with a bath, or housekeeping assistance which might include laundry or cleaning of your own room, or additional pre-prepared snacks.

Enquiries should be directed, in the first instance, to Mrs Sarah Eustice, Manager at Harbour House, who will be happy to show you around and to discuss your personal situation in confidence. Please telephone Sarah on 01209 843276 for an informal discussion or to arrange an appointment.

Greenfield Gardens

September....the new gardener has got to grips with the weeds, bark
chippings have arrived from Kehelland and Peter is mulching around
all the plants .Hopefully by now two new stainless steel seats and
one litter bin have been ordered and will be in place by early

We are planning to have an official opening around March/
April. The bowls club have kindly donated 100 bulbs for the park, I
have approached the school and together with classes 4/5 we will
plant them in October. Hopefully the grass has been cut by the time
this is printed, Kerrier have agreed to maintain the grass and litter

New signs for the park are on their way, we have decided to stick
with the old style of sign of which there are two signing the park
still [ green and white ].

Since writing this article for the last Parish Tram I have had generous

offers of help to keep the park looking nice, a few people have chosen

special areas they helped plant and regularly go and weed.

A popular idea for one of the round areas is to plant a specimen tree

in the centre and have seats around the tree, it could provide shade

in the summer .....hopefully this will go ahead as soon as we can agree

on what type of tree!

I do hope that everyone has visited the new park , the fences are
down and the paths are waiting to be walked on. The P.I.C. would be
pleased to hear any more ideas you have for the park, it is for us
all to enjoy and I think it looks great, my little boy especially
likes running along the sunken seating. I believe the garden will
grow over the years and become a real asset to our village.

Sara Clasper member PIC

Did Portreath Harbour win the Lottery?

Don't we all dream of 'Lady Luck' bringing us home a cool Lotto million? By a stroke of good fortune Portreath was plunged into a massive 25 million pound bid by the County Council for money from the Big Lottery Fund in their Living Landmarks programme.

Cornwall Enterprise put together the plans for the regeneration of five Cornish harbours. We lined up alongside Falmouth, Newquay, Newlyn and Looe in an impressive appeal for half the cost of the countywide programme. From thousands of applicants throughout the UK we made it through the first selection and the Lottery panel of experts came here on a two-day review. We showed them Portreath and shared with them our vision to bring the harbour back to life and regenerate it as a living and working asset for the local community.

Our hopes were high even though the lottery lady boss told us they don't hand out 25 million quid lightly. Alas her words were a prophetic caution and - just like the lottery – that day our numbers didn't come up; though Cornwall did have success with two other bids. The Heartland Project for a regeneration programme in Pool has been selected to go through to compete in the next stage of their Living Landmarks Lottery funding bid and Eden's bid for 50 million is also through to the second selection, so congratulations to both of them.

Well Portreath didn't win the lottery and that certainly is not good news but I don't believe it should be seen as an end but rather the beginning. Now we have the panacea out of the way we can look at the assets available and come up with a revised, and probably better solution.

Being part of that bid was in its self an asset. The experience of working alongside the other multi-million pound harbour development programmes helped us refine our objectives. It gave us a platform. We were able to show the whole county our historic inheritance, this much overlooked port that had once been the trade lifeline to the copper and tin industry that in bygone years had raised Redruth & Camborne to be among the richest towns – not just in Britain but in the whole world – Portreath is now back in the spotlight.

Our community programme to own what must be our greatest asset and to make it better for all is firmly placed on the agenda before Kerrier District Council & the County. Now with World Heritage Site status time is right to take action on all of the suggestions put to us by the village at the open day earlier this year.

With a very modest budget the Parish Council's Regeneration committee have commissioned a feasibility study to examine the sustainable viability of the harbour development plan. Consultants will report on the business potential for more leisure boats in the harbour & evaluate the advantages of a larger and better-serviced fishing fleet. Planners will assess the effect a more vibrant village will have on all of us and our visitors. Environmental experts will consider global warming and flood risk issues and look at ways to deal with the pollution problems.

Still a lot to do and finding another five million certainly will not be as easy as winning the lottery but our little village has a rugged history of fighting and winning, and we will win this one.

Doug Coates, Chairman Harbour Steering Committee.
Portreath Improvements Committee

Christmas Lights 2006

Orders now being taken

The PIC are pleased to continue our Christmas Lights project.

There are 6 wall brackets in stock for new users but we can get more if needed and as usual newcomers to the scheme also get a set of lights and a tree for no charge. Indoor window lights are available as an alternative (one set per household)

For previous users the trees will be at cost price.

To apply for your Christmas tree and lights please phone Elaine or Nigel Sillence on 843515 before Friday 1st December.


Carers Group

We are a group of carers from Portreath who meet regularly for fun and relaxation. We have been running for almost two years and are always looking for new members.

We have just finalised our program for the next six months;

October 3rd- Pitch and Putt, Hayle

November 29th- "That'll Be The Day" Hall for Cornwall

December 12th- Carnon Downs Café and Garden Centre

January 18th- Tate Gallery St Ives, Tour and Lunch (to be confirmed)

February 10th- Ten Pin Bowling, Truro

March 22nd- Penventon Hotel. Swim, Sauna and lunch

If you are a carer and would be interested in any of the above please contact;

Cath 842797 or Janet 842658 for more details.
Annual Bonfire and Firework Display

Will be held on Sunday 5th November

Bonfire 6:30

Fireworks 7:15

Please encourage visiting family and friends to use the FREE Park and Ride scheme to and from The Treasure Park (Gold Centre) New Portreath Road. Running from 5:30 to 8:30

Beach Café open The Shore Shop open

Please give realistic donations to this unique seafront event. Insurance premiums rise every year and monies collected on the night have to cover all costs. The more the donations, the better the next years display.

Please bring light sticks rather than sparklers.

Offers of timber and combustibles are NOT required this year.




7.00 P.M.

The Illogan Sparnon Silver Band will be playing both traditional and modern carols for the festive season and everyone is invited to attend.

Children from the MishMash Club and the Brownies are making lanterns especially for the event and the lantern procession will leave St. Mary's Church Hall at 6.50 p.m., walking down Sunnyvale Road to the Portreath Arms car park.

Mulled wine and mince pies will be provided to help keep us warm and in good voice !

We look forward to seeing you there.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


11:00 - 24 August 2006
Traces of a deadly nerve gas have been found by specialists clearing dump sites at a former chemical weapons factory on the Westcountry coast. The secret Chemical Defence Establishment at Nancekuke, near Redruth, manufactured about 20 tons of the nerve agent Sarin between 1954 and 1956 before the Government abandoned its offensive chemical capability. Now known as RAF Portreath, the facility was decommissioned and closed in 1977.

Seven years ago the Ministry of Defence (MoD) began investigating five sites - labelled A, B, C, D and E - which were used as dumping grounds during the break-up of the plant. They are known to contain asbestos, decontaminated plant, and small quantities of chemicals.

Remediation work started in May this year and the MoD has now revealed that traces of Sarin have been found in two of the pits after laboratory analysis.

It said a few parts per million had been found of methyl phosphonic acid (MPA) and isopropyl methylphosphonic acid (IMPA) - which were no more toxic than many household insecticides.

Dr Richard Soilleux, of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), said: "A similar minute quantity of MPA was found within a glass flask during investigations at dumpsite C in 2003.

"At that time, it was explained that MPA is a relatively harmless chemical and was a breakdown product from the decontamination processes that took place on all equipment before it was buried in the dumpsites.

"On this occasion the two chemicals found were also extremely diluted, and while MPA could be a skin and eye irritant for staff working within the vapour containment system, if they were not wearing appropriate protection. It is no more toxic than many insecticides approved for home use.

"IMPA is five times less toxic than MPA and is not even an irritant."

The laboratory's analysis of samples from the first six trial pits at dumpsite B, which has been fitted with a vapour containment system, has shown these samples are clear of chemical warfare agents.

At dumpsite C, work to temporarily relocate the heather covering this site is well under way and a water management system has been installed for irrigation.

By September, Defence Estates expects to have excavated about 100 cubic metres of waste and completed studies at four other sites.

Project manager Garth Weaver said: "The assessment study involves trial pits being dug at regular intervals across the sites to allow the team to collect soil and water samples.

"This has already started at dumpsite B and will enable us to obtain the best possible data to better inform the Environment Agency and other statutory regulators about what has been buried.

"The information collected will also enable the appropriate remediation work to be undertaken in agreement with the Environment Agency, in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

"It is highly unlikely that any chemical warfare agents were dumped when Nancekuke was decommissioned, but we are adopting a safety-first approach with trial pit digging work at dumpsites A, B and C. This is why people using the North Cornwall coastal path may have seen a large tent-like structure, which was erected in May over dumpsite B. All work takes place within this structure, which is the vapour containment system."

Work has also started at the former mine workings in the Kerriack Valley, with a local mining contractor carrying out works before the physical inspection of the mine later this year. It will provide information about the nature and extent of the waste in dumpsites D and E which are both mine shafts.


09:00 - 24 August 2006
Police and lifeguards warned this week that children are risking life and limb by hurling themselves into the sea from a 200ft-high cliff at Portreath. They said it was "only a matter of time" before a youngster suffered a serious injury, or was killed.

The craze of jumping into the harbour entrance, which is known as tombstoning, has been popular at the seaside resort for years.

But police warned that children were putting themselves in serious jeopardy by leaping from greater heights this summer.

Acting Sgt Tim Roberts, the neighbourhood beat manager for Portreath, said: "Officers from the Redruth neighbourhood police team have had occasion to speak to children following complaints from the public.

"Basically, the individuals have shrugged off the officers' advice and just laughed. I would appeal to parents whose children are going to Portreath to check with them what they are doing there.

"With the heights involved, common sense says it is only a matter of time before someone is injured, or worse."

On Sunday afternoon, the West Briton pictured a 15-year-old boy jumping into the harbour entrance from an 80ft-high cliff ledge. After his father gave him permission to talk to our reporter, Tom Wilkins said: "I've been doing it for a month.

"It's a feeling of fear, but when you've done it, you can't believe it."

Asked if he thought he was putting himself at risk, Tom said: "I only do it when it's safe. "The weather needs to be clear and the sea quite calm."

Coastguards said they had received a number of 999 calls this summer from eyewitnesses worried about the safety of children leaping into the sea at Portreath. "The really keen ones are jumping 200ft into the mouth of the harbour," said Mark Roberts, the coastguard station officer in the village.

"They are running the risk of death or serious injury. We're only here to preserve life and safe life. It is a dangerous pursuit and we strongly advise them not to do it, but they won't listen to you."

The 200ft stretch of cliff that has become a popular jumping spot is known locally as "pepper pot", while the 80ft drop is labelled "high cliffs".

Cllr Ken Bowden, a member of Portreath Council and a former chairman of Kerrier Council, said: "They call it tombstoning. I think it's dangerous but they only do it when there's no surf. I don't know what the answer is - you cannot patrol the cliffs all the time."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


11:00 - 19 August 2006
Utting out as it does into the Western Approaches and Atlantic swells, South West England is blessed with one of the best wave and tidal resources in the world. You only have to walk along any stretch of our 700-mile coastline to appreciate the awesome power of nature pounding the rocks below. But what if we could somehow harness that energy to power our homes and businesses - an endless supply that did not depend on burning fossil fuels and polluting the very environment on which so many of our livelihoods depend?

That was a question we were seeking to answer when we first commissioned a study called the Seapower SW Review back in 2003. It looked at the power of the waves and tides along our coast, how they might be used to generate electricity and what obstacles would need to be overcome.

It concluded that there was potential to "capture" wave energy from the Isles of Scilly to Ilfracombe in North Devon, while the Bristol Channel and parts of the south coast had strong tidal streams.

Combine this with fewer storms than Scotland and a strong electricity grid network near the coast and South West England was in pole position to harness the power of the sea.

Fast-forward three years and we have made great strides. In June, the South West RDA applied to the Government to build a revolutionary wave farm ten miles off the coast of Hayle, and on Thursday the Department of Trade and Industry announced that it would make up to £4.5 million available towards the £20 million total cost of the project, subject to the granting of relevant building consents.

The RDA is planning to match the level of Government funding, and will be making an application to European structural funds to cover the remainder of the costs. The project is now waiting for the outcome of the consents process - which is expected by the end of the year.

An economic impact study published by the South West RDA last year showed that the project could create 700 jobs and be worth £27 million a year to the economy by 2020.

Called the Wave Hub, it would resemble a large electric socket on the seabed, connected to the National Grid via an underwater cable. Wave energy devices, of which there are several emerging around the world, would be attached to the Wave Hub.

What makes this project unique is that the developers would have, for the first time, an area of sea with full planning permission, a grid connection and the opportunity to test their devices on a scale that has not been tried anywhere else in the world. Although only a demonstrator project, the Wave Hub could generate enough electricity to power 7,500 homes, which is three per cent of Cornwall's domestic electricity needs. More importantly, it would position South West England as a world leader in the development of wave energy technology, potentially creating hundreds of jobs in the future.

The Wave Hub would employ about 140 people during its development and construction, but developers would need to manufacture, deploy, operate and maintain their wave energy devices, and it is anticipated that much of this work would be carried out in Cornwall and the wider region.

We are also talking to ING, the developers of Hayle Harbour, to ensure that there would be workspace provided as part of its redevelopment plans to accommodate this activity.

As part of our planning application, we have had to carry out very detailed environmental impact studies, looking at everything from wave heights to the effects of electro-magnetic fields on sharks and dolphins.

Since those studies were published two months ago, there has been much debate about one issue in particular - the impact of the devices using the Wave Hub on the quality of surf on Cornwall's north coast.

It's true to say that wave energy devices, by their nature, absorb power from the waves and convert it into electricity. But what many people have seized upon is the worst case scenario from our studies, rather than what we believe will actually happen.

What our studies have shown is that in the most likely case, the height of waves coming ashore along a narrow stretch of coast between Portreath and Penhale could be five per cent lower as a result of the Wave Hub. This is less than two inches in a 3ft wave.

We also looked at a worst case scenario because we have to demonstrate to the Government that we have considered a wide range of options. This assumed that a certain type of wave device was connected to the Wave Hub. In this case, the impact could be a maximum 11 per cent reduction in wave height but there are in fact no plans for that particular device to be installed.

In promoting the Wave Hub project, we have consulted both the Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) and the British Surfing Association (BSA) for more than a year.

SAS has been unequivocal in its support and has published a policy statement saying that it does not believe surfers will notice a five per cent reduction in wave height and that even the worst case scenario "should not result in a substantial reduction in surf quality".

The BSA has also signalled its support in principle but does continue to have some concern about the impact on wave height and we will continue to work with the surfing community to address these issues.

The Wave Hub is a demonstrator project that still needs planning permission and further funding before it becomes a reality.

If, as we hope, it becomes operational in the spring or summer of 2008, we will need to monitor closely how it performs before any future wave farms are even considered. And none of those would happen without consulting with all interested parties.

The Government's recent Energy Review called for a five-fold increase in the amount of electricity generated from renewable resources because of the pressing need to tackle global warming and climate change.

We believe that the Wave Hub would play a vital role towards achieving that goal.


11:00 - 23 August 2006
Hundreds of members of the Armed Forces will be taking part in a massive helicopter exercise over Cornwall and Devon next month. The airborne phases of the exercise, codenamed Grey Cormorant, will form part of a wider amphibious deployment. The training has been designed to ensure members of all three Armed Forces are ready for any action around the world.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "This training will help military personnel of all ranks to improve their skills in ship-to-ship and ship-to-land movements. We have to make sure they are ready for every eventuality before they are deployed anywhere around the world."

The exercise is due to run from Monday, September 4 until Friday, September 22. Aircraft involved will include Chinooks, Sea Kings, Merlins and Lynx.

Most of the flying will take place over the sea but there will also be some activity inland. Areas where activities are likely include Culdrose, Portreath and Predannack in Cornwall and in Devon at Barnstaple, Chivenor, Fremington Burrows and Braunton Burrows.

The whole exercise will be monitored by representatives from the MoD.

Friday, August 11, 2006


11:00 - 10 August 2006
Some of the region's leading projects were yesterday dusting themselves down after experiencing the disappointment of failing to reach the shortlist for a possible £50 million Lottery grant. Hundreds had submitted plans for a share of the Living Landmarks coffers but only three projects have made it through to the next stage of the competition: The Eden Project, Somerset's Waterlinks and Kerrier in Cornwall.

Those left disappointed far outweigh the success stories. In Plymouth, the campaign to create an Olympic-standard sports facility, despite being rejected by Living Landmarks, continues.

Cornwall fishing ports have been set back, too, after a harbours regeneration plan was thrown out. And in East Devon and Dorset, there was a major setback after the World Heritage site, the Jurassic Coast, was unexpectedly turned down.

The plans were to create a series of visitor centres along the coast. In Exmouth, there were hopes for a high-tech interpretation centre featuring displays on the Jurassic Coast and the Exe Estuary wildlife. In Seaton, there would have been a centre looking at the local geology, wildlife and landscapes.

East Devon District Council's corporate director for the environment, Karime Hassan, said: "We now need to take stock and consider how we go forward in progressing these two centres, to celebrate East Devon's Jurassic Coast and help regenerate important coastal towns such as Seaton and Exmouth."

At Lyme Regis, West Dorset, a cultural quarter project would have addressed the natural and cultural heritage of the area. Those behind the project, collectively known as Evolution, have vowed to continue in their bid to bring it to fruition.

Dorset County Council's cabinet member for the environment, Hilary Cox, said: "This is not the end of the road for Evolution and all projects will continue to develop and look for alternative sources of funding."

Elsewhere in Cornwall, there have been mixed emotions to the Living Landmarks announcement. While the Eden Project and a scheme to create a park and visitors' centre in Pool have made it to the next round, The Harbours Project was omitted. The five harbours were Newlyn, Falmouth, Looe, Newquay and Portreath.

The plans included in the Cornish Harbours bid were: a new multi-use fish market building at Newlyn; the refurbishment of an Edwardian pier and the provision of a new marine college at Falmouth; a new promenade for the seafront at East Looe; an events area and seafront pathway at Newquay, and the development of a community marina at Portreath.

Newquay Fishermen's Association chairman Bill Trebilcock said: "The harbours that were included in the bid all need investment. People come to Cornwall to see quaint little harbours. If they are left to continue crumbling as they currently are then people won't want to come back."

The Heartlands Project aims to create world-class facilities involving leisure, health and community uses in Pool but the minds behind the scheme were left disappointed when they too failed to make it through to stage two.

The hope is to create a replacement for Carn Brea Leisure Centre with new health facilities, spa and active adventure centre on publicly-owned land next to the Tesco Extra at Dudnance Lane, Pool.

Spyrys was not the only leisure facility project to be left disappointed. In Plymouth yesterday, council bosses vowed to continue their fight to create the £54 million Life Centre.

Having received the backing of thousands of city residents and Sports England, the council has said it will continue to press ahead with the plans to create the leisure complex in Central Park.

Managers were yesterday looking at alternative funding for the scheme which would include a 50-metre swimming pool, as well as top quality facilities for health, music and drama.

Mark Cotton, Big Lottery Fund head of region for the South West, said: "We made it clear to applicants only a handful of projects would eventually be awarded a grant. Each long-listed application was considered in great detail."

Friday, August 04, 2006

Portreath Arts Club

Show by its 28 members who work in various media including watercolour, acrylic, pastel and oils. Founder member Beth Berriman, aged 86, is a renowned watercolour artist.

The club's annual show is at the institute, from 10am to 7pm daily from Monday, August 7 to Saturday 12.

Members are of various ages and abilities and experience varies widely. Entry to the show is free and all visitors are welcome.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


One of the biggest mountain bike and dirt cross centres was offically opened recently.

For the first time, Cornwall has its own nationally recognised permanent five acre site for slalom, dirt and mountain bike riding at the track at Portreath.

Thousands of people enjoyed the opening the glorious conditions, it was a fitting climax to all the hard work put in by Steve Tonkin and his crew, and yet this is now just the beginning of a adventurous business venture for Cornwall.

The degree of professionalism by this group of young people was astounding, not only were all safety procedures in place, marshals, ambulance pa etc but the whole event ran off in a really enjoyable atmosphere.

It the only facility of its kind in the UK and after two years of hard work it is a project for one and all to believe in.

The vision is to give everyone an off road experience at an offical centre and stage national events.

The event was given further support as Bike Chain -Ricci enjoyed theit 21st birthday celebrations. They managed to get Cannondale,Trek,Norco, Marin, Cove, Maverick and Kona to attend with their huge demo truks hundreds of people enjoyed their free test rides further increasing the popularity of the track.

The presence of these leading manufacturers meant the cycle industry is fully aware of the quality of this Cornish facility.It will feature in several new events and top mountain bike magazines.


11:00 - 01 August 2006
The stamina and fitness of hundreds of young lifesavers was put to the test in challenging conditions as part of a national competition held in the Westcountry. Teams from Devon and Cornwall dominated the National Nippers Surf Life Saving Championships by garnering the top three spots.

More than 550 youngsters, aged from seven to 13, took part in the event, held at Portreath on Cornwall's north coast.

They competed in a range of challenges on the water and the beach to test their fitness and skills. These included open-water swims, beach sprints, and wading events.

The competition went ahead despite rain, strong winds, and a strong Atlantic swell, which saw huge waves crashing on to the beach.

John Martin, director of sports with the Surf Life Saving Association, which organised the event, said: "This was the best event we have ever had and we enjoyed the highest number of participants.

"We only had to cancel two events, despite the adverse conditions, which just goes to show how able and experienced these young lifesavers are."

The team from Woolacombe in North Devon finished top, while the hosts Portreath came in second overall, and Saunton Sands, also in North Devon, came third.

Last year's winners, from The Mumbles near Swansea, could only manage fourth this year.

Mr Martin said: "It was a very strong showing from Devon and Cornwall this year in tough conditions.

"I would like to thank the 80 volunteers who helped out with event safety to make sure it could all go ahead."



11:00 - 01 August 2006
Communities across the Westcountry could be invited to provide a home for a massive new radioactive waste dump under proposals put forward yesterday for dealing with the legacy of Britain's nuclear industry. In its final report on dealing with the tens of thousands of tonnes of waste generated by the civil and military nuclear programmes the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management said an underground dump remained the best option - despite the difficulty of identifying a site.

The committee, which was set up to advise the Government two and a half years ago, said action was needed immediately to begin the process of identifying potential sites for the £10 billion facility.

Past attempts to identify sites for dumping nuclear waste have provoked massive hostility from communities across the country. But the committee said evidence from countries like Finland suggested it was possible to convince communities that hosting a waste repository could bring benefits, such as jobs and investment.

It said that around a third of the UK was geologically suitable for hosting a deep repository, including large areas of the Westcountry.

Committee chairman Professor Gordon MacKerron urged ministers to appoint a new body to work with communities on bringing forward suitable sites. He said any attempt to impose a dump would be doomed to failure.

He added: "It is vital that the Government no longer tries to impose radioactive waste management facilities on communities because we have about 30 years of experience of that and we know it never works; it always runs into the sand. Instead, we are proposing there should be an approach in which communities are invited to be 'willing to participate'."

Even if willing communities are found it is likely to take at least 35 years to develop the dump needed to house Britain's huge quantities of intermediate level nuclear waste. The committee said that new above-ground storage facilities should be developed to house it in the meantime. Previous attempts to find a home for an underground waste dump have ended in failure.

Last year, it emerged that more than a dozen locations across the Westcountry had been considered as potential sites in the 1980s. Although none made the final shortlist several survived a long way through the selection process, including Chivenor in North Devon, Hinkley Point in Somerset, and St Mawgan, Tregantle, Portreath and Davidstow in Cornwall.

All these sites could be considered, although most observers believe that, if the dump is built, it is likely to be at an existing nuclear facility.

The long lead-in time means that the nuclear reactors from submarines decommissioned at Devonport are likely to be stored above ground for many years to come. Devonport is home to four defuelled submarines and another two awaiting decommissioning.

The submarines' 600-tonne reactors will eventually need to be dumped in the new waste repository, although they are likely to be cut up and stored elsewhere in the meantime. Devonport has already made it clear that it has no plans store the reactors above ground in the long term.

Greenpeace described the plan for a deep underground dump as an "environmental time bomb".

Monday, July 10, 2006

Parish Tram Issue 13



The recent increase in car parking charges has caused an uproar amongst some villagers and visitors to our village, others have expressed some concern at the increase, there are those who are indifferent and a few who actually agree with it. Not surprisingly this varied reaction is also reflected amongst the members of the committee. It is in fact the sort of reaction one will find in any society or group of people. That is not to say that those who object to the event, in this case the increase of charges, should be ignored. Ideally the community should have received notification and an explanation of the increases before they came into operation. I apologise for this omission and hopefully such a thing will not happen again. At the last committee meeting it was decided that the PIC activities and involvement in the village should be reported in the Parish Tram. This should help residents of Portreath to understand why some things seem to happen without any apparent reason. It may also encourage residents to put themselves up for election to the committee at the AGM each January and so help our community.

Before I deal with the increase in charges a little background may be helpful. The present situation goes back to 1963 when the PIC was reconstructed. The PIC owns the car park and a number of other properties in the village. As a charitable trust the PIC is not allowed to operate commercially. A company was formed to operate the car park on behalf of the PIC. The company, Portreath Association Ltd does not make a profit. It pays the balance of income less the relatively few expenses, to the PIC as rent for the car park. This income is used by the PIC in accordance with its constitution. In summary these objects are: -

(i) to provide and maintain a village hall and playing fields with relevant equipment

(ii) to protect and maintain the sea coast in and around the village

(iii) to provide and maintain public seats, paths and shelters

(iv) to preserve and enhance the beauty of the village and surrounding countryside

(v) it may also give financial assistance to other organisations and village organisations if such assistance is to be used for charitable purposes

Now while one could look at the above objects and feel that they have not all been attended to,

it is worth pointing out that there is a village hall, playing field with equipment for the children of the village, a bus shelter, a number of small gardens about the village, a number of benches in the village and surrounding countryside. All this has to be maintained and at times repaired or replaced because of damage by villagers or visitors to the village. Last year we paid part of the cost of removing silt from the harbour, we made a number of donations to village organisations for specific purposes (some requests were turned down as requests are not automatically granted). It seems that people do not think twice about dropping litter on village streets, we pay for this to be picked up. Greenfield gardens have been rebuilt and will soon become the responsibility of the PIC. The maintenance of this will increase our outgoings in the future. Indeed any additional facility provided increases our annual costs.

Now back to the parking charges. The decision to increase, and the scale of the increase, was not made by the PIC, it was made by the directors of PAL the company that manages the car park. Three of the five directors of PAL are appointed by the PIC. At board meetings these three directors have to consider the commercial needs of the company as well as the position and needs of the PIC. There are times when these may seem in conflict and judgements have to be made. The reason why a decision on charges had to be made was that as a result of increased use of the car park the turnover of PAL had reached the level at which the company was legally required to register for VAT. The effect of this was a 17.5% tax on the car park income which would flow through as a reduction, by the same amount, in the PIC income. VAT is a sales tax and is passed on to consumers. The increase was more than the 17.5% lost to VAT but it was thought that the additional amount should give the PIC a little more revenue to carry out its obligations. It was felt that the car park was still an attractive proposition for beach users. Those who feel that this is not justified because Portreath has nothing to offer, or it is detrimental to local business, should remember that the car park is adjacent to the beach which is very convenient for beach users. It is a beach car park and if people are on the beach they are likely to use the local shops and, importantly, the income from the car park is for the benefit of the village. For village inhabitants who want to use the car park the answer could be to buy a season ticket which allows parking all year for as long or short a period as you want.

Robert H Hamer


Portreath Improvements Committee


Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 15th May and was attended by representatives of many of the Village organisations together with County and District Councillors and the Neighbourhood Beat Manager, P.C. Roberts. Several members of the public were also present

All the representatives were able to give very favourable positive reports on the many Village organisations. Both the County and District Council Reports were also very positive, intimating a very progressive future for the Parish.

The Chairman, Councillor C.J. Watts, reported on the success of the Dispersal Order during the last summer and referred to the possible implementation
of a Designated Public Place Order for the coming holiday season which would give the Police powers to prevent the consumption of alcohol in designated areas within the Village.

The Chairman also confirmed that funding of £360,000 has been awarded under the Mineral Tramways Project, towards improvements to be made in The Square, along Beach Road and the sea front car park - this part of the works has already commenced in the provision of new railings.

Annual meeting

At the annual Meeting of the Parish Council also held on 15th May Councillor Watts was re-appointed as Chairman for the coming year and Councillor Mrs. Butler was appointed as Vice Chairman.

Greenfield Gardens

Work on the upgrading of Greenfield Gardens has now been completed and a very successful 'Planting Day' was held on 22nd April when plants purchased from The Kehelland Garden Center were planted out by volunteers under the supervision of Councillor N Mathews; Ms. S. Clasper, Mrs. R. Varranneman-Eyre and Mrs. P. Krist. The seeding of the grassed areas has been carried out by the Contractors, R.H. Olds of Roseworthy, and, with the recent rain, it is hoped that the grassed areas will soon be ready for the first cut. It is anticipated that an Official Opening Ceremony will be arranged later in the season.

The Harbour

A presentation was made to the Members of the Lottery Funding Board on 21st May by the Councillor Watts, Chairman of the Council; Mr. D. Coates, the Chairman of the Harbour Association; Officials of Kerrier District Council and Cornwall Enterprise Ltd. Other Harbours involved in the Funding Application were also visited by the Lottery Board Members but the Portreath application is the only 'community based' proposal included in the application for funding.

Audit of Accounts

The audit of the Councils Accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2006 has been successfully completed


An order has been issued for the trimming of the footpaths within the Parish and this work will commence shortly.

L Oates

Clerk to the Council

Beach Clean at Portreath

On Saturday April 1st Cornwall Wildlife Trust's junior members and their friends cleaned the beach at Portreath to find out what rubbish had been brought in on the previous day's high tide. 34 children and 32 adults worked from the strandline up to the top of the beach and found a variety of objects, ranging from small pieces of plastic to a huge entanglement of rope and fishing net (see photo). In total, 8 bags of rubbish were collected.

The families recorded the debris found on a special chart provided by the Marine Conservation Society as the results were to be sent to the MCS for inclusion in their national beach litter survey (see attached report). This beach has been cleaned by CWT for the last 3 years and after the event last year a letter was sent to the café owners, detailing the amount of plastic spoons found on the beach. Possibly as a result of this there was a noticeable drop in the amount of café-based debris this year.

After the beach clean the children and their friends were led on a Rockpool Ramble by Treve Opie from Cornwall College, and they were able to see sponges and anemones not usually visible but made accessible by the extreme low tide of the day.

These families came from as far away as Tintagel, Newquay and Porthleven; and for some it was the first time they had been to Portreath, although many said they would visit again in the future. Even some local kids who had come to surf joined in, and a good time was had by visitors and locals alike.

Alison Forward, Education Officer, Cornwall Wildlife Trust


Following the Brownies success in winning through to the final of the Halford Trophy, I am really pleased to report that following a fantastic competition, which all the Brownies really enjoyed, we came second – by 1.5 points !

The Final took place on Saturday 24th May at Penrice School, St. Austell, and we all travelled there together on a mini coach due to the kindness of the Portreath Improvements Committee paying for our coach. This certainly helped team spirit as they sang songs most of the way there and most of the way back !

We had a picnic lunch together once we got to Penrice and the competition started at 2.00. They had six challenges, which were all based on a water theme. All the children who attended were winners in their own right anyway having got as far as they did in this three yearly competition, so the final results were naturally close – the difference between the winning and losing Units was only 8 points !

Both the PIC and the Guiding Association offered to treat the Unit to a fish and chip supper on the way home, and although it wasn't possible to stop on Saturday evening, everyone can be assured the Brownies will be getting a very tasty treat for having done so well.

Thank you to everyone who supported us in this memorable event and well done to all the girls who were such good competitors.

Shena Watts

Unit Guider for the 1st Portreath Brownies


This venue is available to everyone, and the Hall can be used for a wide range of activities. Any individuals or groups interested in booking the Hall should contact the Bookings Secretary Mrs. Jan Sowden on 01209 842960. Hire costs are £25.00 a session (3 hours) for the large Hall and the smaller meetings room can be booked for £8.00 per session and these fees include the use of the fully equipped kitchen.

If you wish to run an event and would like to publicise the information in the next Parish Tram, please send your copy to the Editor.

or leave at the post office


I am pleased to be able to report that since the last edition of ‘the Tram’ the policing of Portreath and Illogan has been boosted by the allocation of an extra resource. Police Community Support Officer Vikki WHITE has now joined me and will become a familiar sight in the village. Up until earlier this year funding arrangements meant that Police Community Support Officers (or PCSO’s) were not able to work in the area. Fortunately due to a change in the way that they are funded this has now changed.

Vikki’s presence within the local area represents another positive step in our efforts to improve the overall policing service that is provided to the village. She is very keen to meet with as many Portreath residents as possible and to work with the council, school and other groups to help improve the quality of life for all.

A message that I would like to convey is if you see Vikki or myself out on patrol - don’t be shy! We will always be pleased to speak with you - whether it is because you have an issue that you would like us to try and resolve or you just feel like having a chat - we will be delighted to meet you !

I would like to say a big thank you to those members of the community that helped with setting up and decorating the police office. It has certainly made it far more user friendly.

I have now held two surgeries within the new office – the response for the last one was a little disappointing – although I can’t blame anyone for choosing to go down to the beach as it was an exceptionally hot day !

The next surgery at the office will be held by Vikki on Saturday 22nd July 2006 from 2.00pm until 3.30pm.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


09:30 - 18 May 2006
Virtually all the town centres of Camborne, Redruth and Helston could become "no go" areas for anti-social drinking and behaviour.

At its meeting last night, Kerrier Council considered a report on the making of "Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs)" under the Criminal Justice and Police Act.

If approved, these will give police power to stop people drinking anything which they think may be alcoholic, or surrender any container which they believe may contain alcohol.

The local authority - in this case Kerrier - has power to make a designation order when it is satisfied that nuisance to the public has been associated with the drinking of alcohol in any given location.

It will not, however, be an offence to drink alcohol in those specific places until a police officer requests a person to stop drinking, at which point it becomes an arrestable offence.

The council was told that the order "is a measure to help control anti-social drinking and related behaviour by adults".

The discussion is particularly timely as police were concerned about the amount of drinking in public places throughout the day at Helston Flora nearly a fortnight ago.

With 11 arrests and numerous reported incidents of violence and drink-related crime, police are now looking at preventing drinking in specific public places in and around the town in future years.

Two areas of the district already have DPPOs imposed - Illogan and Porthleven. Kerrier now wants to replace existing Alcohol Zone bye-laws with these DPPOs.

This will have to be done before the end of August since that is the date when the current bye-laws expire.

Police have already been consulted by Kerrier, and have identified areas which an order should cover; they must be places which are associated with trouble and any new powers should not be used "disproportionately or in an arbitrary fashion which could be the case if one isolated incident led to a designation order".

"Clearly," said Kerrier, "there should be evidence of an existing problem with an assessment as to the likelihood that the problem will continue unless those powers are adopted.

"Against this background, it is possible that a single, serious incident might be sufficient to justify adoption of the powers."

The designated areas, if approved, will be: Camborne - Recreation Ground, College Street from junction with Weeth Lane to Wellington Road, Rectory Road from junction with Manor Road to Church Street, Church Street, Wellington Road, Commercial Street, Commercial Square, Basset Road from junction with Basset Street to Church Street, Trevithick Road, Church Lane, Victoria Street, Union Street, Trelowarren Street, Gas Street, Chapel Street, Gurneys Lane, Gurneys Mews, Rosewarne Road and Car Park, Vyvyan Row, Vyvyan Street, North Road, The Cross, New Connexion Street, Fore Street, Cross Street, Hoopers Lane, The Spinney, Camborne Churchyard and Cemetery.

Redruth - Harmony Close, West End from junction with Coach Lane to Fore Street, Coach Lane, Chapel Street, Little Vauxhall, Plain-an-Gwarry, Close Hill, Tolgus Hill from junction with Little Vauxhall, North Street, Green Lane, Fore Street, Higher Fore Street, East End from Higher Fore Street to junction with School Lane, School Lane, Victoria Park, Alma Place, Back Lane West, Cross Street, Station Hill, Station Road, Falmouth Road, Church Lane, Treruffe Hill, Bond Street, Penryn Street, Gas Lane, Lemins Court, Clinton Passage.

Portreath - The Harbour, Kingsley Terrace, The Pier, The Novelty Golf Course and adjacent area of sand, Seafront Car Park and Promenade

Car Park in front of the Waterfront Inn, area adjacent to and surrounding the Rescue Post, the surf life saving club and Speranza, Beach Road between Tregea Hill and the junction with Chynance.


09:00 - 22 June 2006
It was a chance for thrill-seekers to open the throttle and push their machines to the limit - with not a single traffic police officer in sight. Some 200 motorcycle and car enthusiasts descended on RAF Portreath over the weekend to roar down its runway during the traditional Run What You Brung festival of speed.

Watched by big crowds, many of the adrenaline junkies topped 150mph while one dragster nudged 200mph, the fastest time at the event.

"It was fantastic - the exhilaration, the smells, the speeds - it was just like being a kid again," said the Rev Mike Firbank, a curate at Illogan, Portreath and Pool who enjoyed the racing with his wife, Kathryn, and their family.

Sitting astride a 1,450cc Suzuki dragster, Keith Bowden, formerly of Helston and now living at Plymouth, clocked 154mph during a series of runs on Sunday.

"It's like riding an exocet missile with a feeling of, please let me get to the end," he said. "I starting drag racing in the 1960s when we used to go to Santa Pod. It's fantastic to have this opportunity to do the same thing at RAF Portreath."

His brother, Phil, who reached 148mph on his Suzuki GSX R1000cc, agreed. "The buzz is the speed and the great atmosphere that is always generated here," he said.

Dominic Gallagher, also from Helston, summed up the appeal of the event after tearing down the runway at 160mph on his Honda CBR 600cc: "It's a complete feeling of freedom and adrenaline."

The two-day spectacular, organised by the Celtic Marauders motorcycle club, attracted drivers and riders from all over Cornwall and further afield, including a 10-strong group of bikers from Surrey.

Club spokeswoman Glynis Barrington-Smith said the twice-yearly event continued to grow in popularity and added: "There's nowhere else in Cornwall where bikers can go and make these runs in such a safe environment."

She thanked all those who had helped the event run smoothly, including personnel from RAF Portreath.

Adam Smith, the base's liaison officer who took charge of his ninth Run What You Brung, said: "This is a unique occasion which has exceeded a lot of expectations. People who come here want to have a good time and that makes a real difference. The grins on their faces make it all worthwhile."

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Theft at Bridge

Police were this week searching for burglars who broke into the Bridge pumping station, near Portreath, and stole tools.

The intruders also stole a set of keys from the compound to gain entry to a secure storage container.

The break-in happened between 3.30pm on May 26 and 7.30am on May 30.

Elsewhere, police were seeking a man who kicked a green Ford Focus, damaging the car, before he fled the scene of the attack at Barripper, near Camborne. The incident happened between 9pm and 9.30pm on May 24.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Parish Tram Issue 12

Greenfield Gardens

The Parish Council's Regeneration Team has recently had considerable success with securing funding for Greenfield Gardens. Members submitted plans for a make over of the property and applied for funding from various sources resulting in £48,000 for a complete re modelling.

Ground work started in early February and is scheduled for completion in late March. The work is being carried out by R.H. Olds Amenity Landscapers of Roseworthy Camborne.

Planting of low maintenance ground cover and shrubs is being organised by Portreath Improvements Committee to be carried out on the 22nd April. Grass seeding will take place by the contractors as soon as the weather is suitable. The gardens should be ready for re- opening in late July.

Portreath Improvements Committee will be taking ownership by way of a 999 year lease. This will secure the Gardens for the village and ensure the maintenance of the property.

This project has been a village team effort, with the Parish Council, Regeneration Team and the Portreath Improvements Committee working together.

Funding for the project came from the Portreath Improvements Committee, Portreath Parish Council, Kerrier District Council and Objective One Rural Key Fund.


In my last article I referred to a project that I was working on and promised to give an update on it in this edition. By the time that you read this the project will have been featured in the local press so forgive me for any repetition. For an initial six month trial period I have arranged (with the considerable assistance of Rev Mike Kippax) to have the use of a police office within the village. The office is located at the entrance to St Mary's Church in Penberthy Road. It is my intention to use the office as a place to hold regular surgeries where I hope to meet local people and discuss any concerns that they may have. It will also be useful to use when necessary as a 'drop in' base when I am conducting enquiries or patrolling in the area.

I will only be able to use the office on an adhoc basis. I will therefore produce a notice which I intend to update regularly giving a definite time and date when I will next be in the office and available. I hope to be able to display the notice within the information board at the front of the church.

I would ask you to be mindful that it is NOT A POLICE STATION. It is not fitted with a computer and whilst there I will not have access to any of the other resources normally found within a station. If you are the unfortunate victim of a crime do not delay reporting it. Please use the reporting procedures that are already in place. The contact number to use to report a crime is 08452 777 444.

I hope that the office will prove to be a benefit to the community and will make the police more accessible. I guess that a measure of its success will be how often it is used. I'll try to be there on a regular basis so please keep an eye on the information board and come in for a chat!

A good example of what you might want to come and tell me about is the misuse of motorcycles. I am advised that there is a current problem within the village with what are now are commonly known as 'mini motos'. Apart from the size and the fact that a mini motos are often sold as a toys there really is no difference between a them and a normal motorcycle.

A mini moto must be used on private ground with the necessary permission of the landowner. If it is used on a road or other public place it must be registered, insured and taxed and the rider must hold the relevant licence.

The police have powers under certain circumstances to seize vehicles that are being used to cause annoyance. If mini motos continue to be used inappropriately within the village I will seek to seize them under these powers. If you have concerns about the way that these machines are being used please let me know. I will take action against those responsible.

On the other hand if you are the owner or rider of a mini moto please ensure that you use it in accordance with the law and with respect for those that live around you. I really would prefer not to have to seize your machine!!




An Officer of Cornwall County Council, Nigel Sumpter, has been appointed to take forward to completion the enhancement proposals for the Beach Front Car Park, Beach Road and The Square. This will be done as part of the overall Mineral Tramways Project and will (literally) be building on the local ideas and consultation results for this area.

The Car Park will be the first location for enhancement works mostly over the Autumn and Winter period starting later this year with works in Beach Road and The Square planned for the following Autumn/Winter. This will avoid all works taking place together. Ownership access and highway consultation and agreements are also less involved for the Car Park.

The appearance of the Car Park will be greatly improved as a modern high quality sea front location. Tenders have already been received for new stainless steel railings and the successful fabricator is local form P.R. Laffin Fabrications Limited of Pool.

The proposals for Beach Road and The Square will be progressed over the coming year and those potentially affected will be consulted with during the development of detailed proposals. The proposals will also be displayed locally later on this year for further final comment to help with finalising the designs.

The preferred route for the Portreath Branchline Trail is along the length of the Incline and continuing on the tramway to Illogan. Preparatory work to treat the knotweed at the bottom of the main structure and vegetation clearance within the lower section has already started as the legal process to confirm the route a public bridleway gets underway beginning with an application to the Secretary of State to post site notices publishing the Trail proposals. All the necessary consents have been obtained to treat the Listed section following confirmation of the public right of way, safe guarding public access to this locally important heritage structure

All involved are committed to ensuring that the proposals respond to local wishes and will retain and enhance the character of Portreath.

Nigel Sumpter


Incline Project

The Church/Community Incline Project meet approximately every 6-8 weeks. Very soon leaflets and flyers will be around the village promoting the work of Incline so do look out for them.

Incline continues to support the Wednesday Table Tennis Club in the Church Hall on Wednesdays 7.00-9.30, very soon we hope to have secured a second table for this growing group. The Bellydance Group meet alternate Thursdays in the same hall but starting at 7.30 until 9.00.

Once the dancing stops, on a monthly basis the group meet for a Book Club and have so far enjoyed Junk by Melvin Burgess (highly recommended), with Snow Falling On Cedars by David Guterson being the current read. The Bellydance and the Book Club are currently full but if you do want to know more, and also to help us to assess demand, do phone Terry on 01209 843181.

Mish Mash for the children has stopped after running for 18 months, but after Easter it is hoped, subject to funding, to start Mish Mash Family Mornings...time for parents, carers to join the Mish Mash children for exciting and creative activities.

In addition, CHIC continues in the Church Hall on Wednesday mornings 10-12.00, with the Veg Box scheme, books to loan and with the friendly faces of Yvonne, Avril and helpers to welcome you.

We also support the Carers Group who have recently enjoyed a stay in a Devon Hotel and an evening of bowling. Do phone Janet on 842658 or Cath on 842797 if you are a local carer and want to know more.

There is lots more to say and much on the horizon so do please look out for the information leaflets soon to be in the post office, church and school. The leaflets will contain contact numbers but until then, phone Mike on 01209 842233, Chris on 843873 or Terry on 843181 if you want to know when we next meet, if you have a community idea or want to know more.

Terry Reynard 843181


Illegal immigrants

Two illegal immigrants and a "poisonous" gang have set up home in a Cornish college. But immigration services and the police will not be getting involved - they are two exotic lizards who found their way here hidden in transported goods, and a group of poison arrow frogs which are part of a breeding programme.

Duchy College's animal care unit at Feadon Farm, near Portreath, has welcomed the frogs, brown Anoles lizard and Peloponnese wall lizard, which will be used to help train students on its animal care courses.

Though the frogs, scientific names dendrobates tinctorus and dendrobates ventrimaculatus, sound dangerous, staff at the college have reassured people they are not.

Animal care technician, Gary Zammit, said: "These frogs will be only mildly poisonous as they lose their toxicity when bred in captivity; frogs in the wild get their poison from their food."

The brown Anoles, whose natural habitat is the Caribbean and southern USA, was found last year in a supermarket delivery of bananas and brought to Duchy College by the RSPCA. The female lizard has already mated with a lizard already at the college, resulting in two eggs which have successfully hatched.

The Peloponnese wall lizard was also brought in by the RSPCA, after being found in the clothing section of a local garden centre. It is a fully grown adult male, which is usually found in southern Greece, and is the first the College has had.

West Briton
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It will soon be time for the boats to go back in the water. This year there will be more licensed working boats than for some time, representing a large personal investment by our Portreath fishermen, all of whom will welcome the chance to supply fresh fish, and shellfish, privately, or to businesses. All you have to do is ask. There are also some boats for sale if you fancy the D.I.Y. approach.

Although the harbour activity all but stops for boat owners during the winter, it becomes very popular for anglers of all ages, some more serious and better equipped, but all seem to enjoy and come back for more.

Nigel Sillence

Harbour Consultation Report

On Saturday 28th January the residents of Portreath turned out in force to support the Parish Council's efforts to enable the community to possibly own and run the harbour.

The turn out for the event was very good with 250 plus attending. This is at least 25% of the village population and better than the last general election.

The information was presented by a set of 12 display boards depicting the history of Portreath and some ideas of what the future could bring, a collection of black and white photographs of the harbour in it's working days, a PowerPoint presentation of proposed layout and leisure facilities and a centre table display for the public to put their ideas forward. Survey forms and attendance records were also used.

The general feeling of those who attended was to see the harbour improve and be better used, with an increase in facilities for both the fishing industry and leisure craft. There was a great deal of support to install lock gates and extend the pier and also to open the pier to the public.

There was concern about the nature of development around the harbour in the past and a suggestion that future development be in a more architecturally sensitive style.

A great deal of information was collected with the overwhelming majority in support of taking the project to the next stage which is to commission the feasibility study.

The day was a very good team effort. Organisation and manning the hall by the Parish Council's Regeneration Committee and Kerrier District Council supplying the information boards and power point equipment. Thanks also to Kerrier Regeneration team at Cowlings Mill for all their help and support.

Chris Watts



Major regeneration work at Portreath Harbour has come a step closer with the news that a multi million pound bid to the Lottery has made it through the first assessment stage. Cornwall County Council, acting on behalf of the Cornish Harbours Project, has applied for £25 million towards the cost of a five-year project that would see extensive improvements carried out at Portreath, Falmouth, Newlyn, Newquay and Looe.

The aim is to bring disused or run down harbour infrastructure and neighbouring waterfront locations back into use for the benefit of communities.

At Portreath Parish Council's March meeting, the Chairman, Chris Watts, announced he had received a letter saying the bid had successfully moved on to the next assessment phase.

He said: "We are through the first of many stages. I am delighted our grant application has been accepted but very aware there is a long process to go through and we do have a lot of competition for the grant.

Living Landmarks anticipate contacting us by April 13 to confirm whether or not the harbour project has been long listed for a project review visit."

If successful, the Cornish Harbours project would run from 2007-12. Portreath would be regenerated and brought in to community ownership.

Julian Ridge
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The Brownies continue to go from strength to strength and on Sunday the 19th March, they won through to the final of the Halford Trophy. This is a three yearly competition between all the Brownies in Cornwall, and the Portreath Brownies will now represent the Kerrier Division in June. They have really enjoyed the competition and were so excited when the results were announced in reverse order , starting with the fifth place. As the positions were being called out and Portreath's name was not being announced they got more and more excited and at last the Brownies from Camborne were called out as coming 2nd, meaning we were first, they were jumping up and down with pleasure ! They have been presented with the Halford Trophy Cup for the Kerrier Division Round 1st Place position and the Brownies will take it in turns to take it home and look after it. So very well done !!

We've been up to all sorts, ranging from having visitors to teaching us about first aid, birds and wild life, to having a visitor who is deaf and who taught them to sign their names - she's due to visit again soon with her specially trained dog. The Brownies have also been looking at the world we live in and serious issues such as endangered species and then considering the food we eat and where it comes from – chocolate was the first product on the map. And we are also lucky to have other visitors come along occasionally to help us make cards etc., some of which were made for Harbour House last Christmas and a small group of Brownies went along to sing some of their favourite carols.

Getting ready for the Harry Potter day was one of the funniest things I've seen because in readiness for the day, as well as having to make fantastically decorated black card wizard hats, one the Unit Helpers thought drop down black card glasses would be a winner (I'm considering making up a calendar with some of most successful photos and this would definitely be included!)

We're looking forward to accepting our invitation from the 1st Redruth Guides to join them in a Bollywood Dance Night, with a professional teacher showing us Indian dancing. All the funds raised that evening are going towards the Pakistan Disaster Appeal, so there's a serious side to the fun as well.

Having given you a summary of some of the things we've been doing and hopefully demonstrating that working with the children is a lot of fun, I would also like to take this opportunity of asking if there is anyone out there who would like to come along to help at any time ? – this could be on a weekly basis or on a rota, or perhaps as a "one-off" as you may have a special skill that the children would enjoy learning about .

As a charitable organisation run totally by volunteers, its always helpful to spread the "work", but when the work involves playing games, going on visits like the pantomime or Newquay Aquarium, to helping the girls with any interest badges which cover a wide range of activities, including art, circus performer, computers, science investigator, water safety (there are over 50 interest badges !) it is really enjoyable, especially when we can also enable them as a Brownie group to take part in activities they wouldn't normally be involved with, such as the Halford Trophy, or raising money for children with leukaemia, all of which gives them such a sense of achievement as well as enjoying themselves.

We're planning to run some games / or a stall at the Portreath Fun Day in August to raise some funds, so we would very much appreciate seeing you there and in the meantime, if anyone would like to contact me, my telephone number is 01209 843873.

Finally, please wish us luck for the final of the Halford Trophy in June !

Shena Watts

Unit Guider for the 1st Portreath Brownies


Page 3 please

Designated Public Place Order

Due to last year's outstanding success of the village's Dispersal Order, Portreath Parish Council has applied for a Designated Public Place Order.

Last summer the anti social behaviour dropped to almost nil due to the Dispersal Order which gave Police the power to disperse any groups causing a nuisance. This was extremely good news to all who use Portreath for leisure and pleasure and of course even better news for all of us who live here.

To make this anti social behaviour order permanent the Parish Council have to apply for a Designated Public Place Order. The next paragraph outlines the order.

DPPOs are orders made by local authorities under powers given to them under section 13 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001. These powers make it easier for local authorities to designate places where restrictions on public drinking will apply and are available in areas that have experienced alcohol-related disorder or nuisance.

While it is not an offence to consume alcohol within a 'designated' area, the police, police community support officers and people accredited through a community safety accreditation scheme have powers to control the consumption of alcohol within that place. If they believe someone is consuming alcohol or intends to consume alcohol they can:

* require them to stop; and
* Confiscate the alcohol from people whether the drinking vessel is unopened or not.

Our Neighbourhood beat manager Constable T. Roberts has collated evidence of drink related offences over the past three years and has presented these to Kerrier District Council's Solicitor, who needs more evidence from local people and organisations to justify applying for the order.

Most local businesses have already written to support the Council in its efforts to secure the Order and now it is hoped residents will write in also. Kerrier District Council needs accounts of specific drink related incidents. Please write giving your support together with details of any incidents which need not necessarily include the specific date of the event - month and year would be sufficient. Please write to:

Parish Clerk



Redruth, Cornwall TR16 4HS

Please help your local Council to acquire this valuable tool and stop anti social behavior in our village.

Chris Watts

Parish Council Chairman.

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crop1.jpg & crop3.jpg with this

Carers Group

Sixteen people from the Portreath Carers Group recently spent three days at the Manor House Hotel near Oakhampton. This was a time of refreshment and rest and provided the chance to enjoy favourite hobbies and to try new ones too.

The activities programme included Tennis, Badminton, Golf, Bowls and Crafts (e,g. Jewellery Making, Pottery. Silk Painting, Enamelling) and numerous other fun and relaxing activities too numerous to mention. Amongst the favourites were Salsa Dancing, Archery, Shooting and Golf with the massage and pamper sessions, walking the moors and horse riding all adding to the enjoyment.

This was a great weekend amongst friends, eating together and enjoying quiet chats as well as plenty of activity 'as and when' people wanted pressure just time to unwind and relax away from the many daily demands back home. Do phone Janet or Cath if you want to know more about the Portreath Carers Group Janet: 842658 Cath: 842797.



WHERE? Portreath Millennium Hall, Portreath.

WHEN? Thursday evening 6.00pm to 7.30pm and 7.45pm to 9.15pm.



Cost £ 4.00 per session

Telephone Nick on 01209 610515 or 07968 310097 for more details.


Fully insured.

Portreath Surf Life Saving Club

All the results for the World Life Saving Champs are now on the Rescue 2006 website.

Katy Whear won a silver medal in the 100m sprint

The girls team won silver in the beach relay.

For most of the other events the GB competitors finished in the top 10 places, so overall the team was 10th and placed 6th in the beach/ocean events which was very good as we are out of season.

Diane Green
Membership Secretary


A beauty spot was left blanketed with an assortment of debris, litter and junk following the eviction of a travelling community who occupied the site for several months.

The group had moved last spring onto former mine workings between Porthtowan and Portreath on the world-famous South West coastal footpath. After months of behind-the-scenes work Kerrier District Council took out a court order to have the 13-strong group evicted, though one family remained when officials arrived on site on February 3.

Villagers and community leaders were horrified by the amount and variety of rubbish left behind by the travellers at a spot which is popular with walkers and holidaymakers.

"It makes St Day tip look like Buckingham Palace lawn. It's a pretty sad site," said John Beckinsale, a long-term resident of Porthtowan.

Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Press photographer and Portreath residnt Colin Higgs, was stunned by what he saw. "It took my breath away. It's absolutely disgusting," he said. "Everything you can think of is on the ground - tables, bits of caravans, endless fires, children's toys, mobile phones, hundreds of gas bottles. There is an incredible amount of filth."

County councillor Richard Cooper said: "I'm not anti-traveller, all I'm anti is the mess being left behind, and we have to tackle the problem.

"Ultimately it's the public who will have to pay because it's the local authority that will have to move it."

A team from Kerrier's Direct Services was on site with a digger and clearing equipment this week having already secured the area by fitting a new gate on an approach road. A spokesman said they aimed to have carried out a full clean-up operation by the weekend.

Liz Dunstan, chief solicitor for Kerrier, sympathised with villagers who had put up with their sometimes unwanted neighbours for so long. But she stressed the onus was on the council to do everything above board.

"You have to do it professionally and correctly, taking account of everybody's situation otherwise we would still be open to challenge and we could still be in this position in a year's time."

Assessments were made of the families and of the site itself before the court could evict.

"It was on the coastal footpath, it was very exposed and it was very dangerous," said Mrs Dunstan. "We never tolerated the site and we never said it was suitable."

Even though the travellers had left so much rubbish, she said the council would never have agreed to weekly removals as this would have legitimised their presence.

The travellers were believed to beheading to a site out of Cornwall.

However, this may not be the end of problems with the travelling community. Mrs Dunstan warned that new Government legislation placed the responsibility on local authorities to find sites for travelling families.
Joe Dyer, West Briton
Lee Hodge, 20, from Portreath

Dressed in their chef's whites, these youngsters are in training to become the best in the business.

The young men and women, all from Cornwall, are being trained to work at Jamie Oliver's new Fifteen restaurant in Watergate Bay, Newquay.

The 20 students have already been working hard to hone their culinary skills. And in just a few short months, they will work at Fifteen Cornwall when it opens in May. It is the first of Jamie Oliver's 15 restaurants to be unveiled outside London.

The chef, well-known for his crusade to improve school dinners, opened the first Fifteen restaurant in 2002. Based in Hoxton, it was inspired by the television chef's desire to help underprivileged young people forge themselves a successful career. Fifteen Cornwall will follow the same format.

Trainee Lee Hodge, 20, from Portreath on the North Cornwall coast, described the training as a "golden opportunity to succeed in life".

He said: "I'm so thankful that I've been given this opportunity and I'm really going to work hard to achieve the best possible outcome I can and make my friends and family proud. You only get one life and you've got to take every opportunity."

Selected from more than 300 applicants, the 20 trainees were among a shortlist of 150 who faced interviews and selection exercises before taken on in late December. Aged between 16 and 24, they have been recruited from all over Cornwall and are currently undergoing a 12-week intensive training course at Cornwall College before they start work in the Fifteen Cornwall kitchen at the end of April.

West Briton